President Obama rejected all of the options he was presented by his military advisors for an Afghanistan strategy.
President Obama is going to hold a jobs summit next month to talk about how to create jobs. This is typical Obama: there's a problem, so let's talk about it rather than actually doing something about it. I have a few ideas, like not passing a payroll tax increase to pay for a nationalization of health care. Or not nationalizing health care.
Nancy Pelosi says that it is fair to jail people for not buying health insurance. Also included in PelosiCare is a 69% increase in capital gains taxes and a kickback to the trial lawyers.
The AP is using the m-word: malaise.
Fort Hood shooter Nadal Hasan is being charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder, which is much too kind. Officials from Walter Reed Army Medical Center knew that Hasan might have been psychotic, but did nothing due in part to political correctness. Striving for diversity is not unique to the Army, as the Naval Academy changed a color guard to engineer a diverse photo opportunity.
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg held a roundtable to discuss the Fort Hood shootings that included the unindicted co-conspirator in the first World Trade Center bombing.
Hate crimes against Muslims have plummeted since 2001.
New rules from the Federal Reserve would restrict banks' ability to apply overdraft fees on debit cards.
The pay czar is worried about companies' ability to keep top talent considering the restrictions on their pay.
The White House wants to use TARP money to cut the federal deficit.
Here's a column worth some thought: Barack Obama despises America.
Obama uses the same language to describe radical Muslims that he uses to describe opponents of his health care plan.
ACORN is suing the federal government, claiming that cutting their funding was unconstitutional.
Anti-incumbent sentiment is at its highest level since 1994, but a majority of Americans still want to see their own representative re-elected.
Most Americans prefer big-screen TVs to saving energy.
Chrysler used the idea of building electric cars to get bailout money. Now they've bailed on the idea of building electric cars.
Now churches are getting in on the global warming alarmist bandwagon.
Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) is introducing a term limits bill. It won't happen.
The Charleston County, South Carolina Republican party censured Lindsey Grahamnesty for being a RINO.
The Huffington Post wants separate bestseller lists for conservative and liberal books because conservative books dominate the lists.
Freshmen at the City University of New York fail basic algebra. This problem is not limited to New York.
Are you looking for a job? McDonald's is looking for an assistant manager at their franchise at Guantanamo Bay.
A judge has ruled that a quadriplegic man has a right to own guns.
Curvy women are more intelligent than their slimmer counterparts.
The state will have a public meeting on Tuesday to discuss improvements and widening for Highway 96. It's about time they did this.
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