Monday, November 09, 2009

PelosiCare Passes House

The House passed PelosiCare 220-215 (link is to roll call vote) on Saturday.  Betsy McCaughey wrote in Saturday's Wall Street Journal what the bill really says, and here are the winners and losers as chosen by Nancy Pelosi in the bill.  Right now Republicans call the bill dead on arrival in the Senate, which means that all Pelosi did was force a few members to sign a suicide pact for next year's elections, because Republicans will be gunning for every Democrat in a winnable district who voted for this monstrosity, but the more important thing is the step towards a cradle-to-grave entitlement state like the Democrats want.


The sad thing is that the Republicans had an opportunity to kill this bill on Saturday, but they went along with an anti-abortion amendment to the bill that gave a few Democrats a chance to pass it over the objections of socially conservative Democrats.  Every Republican voted for the amendment, which passed 240-194 (link is to roll call vote), and senior Democrats are now saying that the amendment will be stripped from the final bill.  Pelosi played Republicans like a fiddle this weekend.


President Obama called us teabaggers in a private meeting with House Democrats.


More information continues to emerge about the alleged Fort Hood shooter, and all signs point to the Army failing to keep an eye on him.  Hasan had been spewing anti-American viewpoints, he may have been connected to some of the September 11 Muslim terrorists, intelligence agencies were aware that he tried to contact al Qaeda, and he attended a radical mosque.  At some point the people who knew this information should have been able to step up.  My guess is that political correctness got in the way.


Today is the 20th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.  Yesterday, Tom Brokaw said that some East Germans are "still adjusting to harsh economic realities" of capitalism.  Freedom is too difficult for some.


A village in New York has been forced to adopt new voting rules to make sure that a Hispanic gets elected as a trustee.


Cato's David Boaz says that the "slippery slope" of government intervention has become dropping off a cliff instead.


Iran has apparently tested an advanced nuclear warhead design.  The Obama administration is still sitting on its thumbs.


Government-owned Freddie Mac posted another $5 billion in losses last quarter and predicted that it will need another bailout.


Gold prices continue to rise to new record highs due to the weakness of the dollar.


Almost half of the members of Congress are millionaires.


Our runoff system is largely a Southern thing.  I really like the head-to-head nature of it.

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