Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterans' Day!

Happy Veterans' Day!  Take the time to thank a veteran today.  Eighty-one percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of the military.  The other 19% deserve to have their asses kicked.  Muggers in Milwaukee gave their victim his wallet and other possessions back after finding a military ID card in his wallet.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has put the PelosiCare bill on the Senate calendar, even as members of his own caucus say that they will not vote for a bill that looks like the House's.  Here are some of the deals that had to be brokered in order to get some Democrats to support PelosiCare in the House.


The United States has higher unemployment rates than Europe, and high unemployment is expected to stick around for years, not months.  Meanwhile, the "stimulus" is having no real effect on businesses hiring.  The Boston Globe found that Massachusetts overstated the number of jobs created by the stimulus.  A housing program in Las Vegas has been given $64.3 million for a housing program that hasn't bought a single house.


Apparently the DC sniper was "fearless" before his execution.  He should have been sweating at least a little bit.


ABC and CBS skipped most of the Fort Hood memorial yesterday (showing, of course, the part where President Obama spoke), but they showed the entire Michael Jackson memorial.  Reason's Jacob Sullum points out that Hasan could have been stopped earlier had Fort Hood not been a "gun free zone."


Republicans have a four-point lead, including a 22 point lead among independents, on the generic Congressional ballot for next year.


China could be the next Enron.


Antarctica's ice loss is helping to fight global warming.  So global warming is causing a lack of global warming?


Apparently a repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" will be in next year's defense authorization bill.  I don't see what the big deal is; gays are less of a threat than radical Islamists.


Kids in Goldsboro, North Carolina are able to buy better grades in a school fundraiser.  That should do wonders for teaching things like integrity and hard work.


A Columbia University professor punched a white female over a discussion of "white privilege."  Reverse the races, and that's a hate crime.


The Washington Post had a story yesterday detailing some of the jobs lost that they blame on free trade.  Protectionism will do nothing to prevent any of those lost jobs.  In fact, America is leaving itself behind by not engaging in trade deals.


President Clinton called us tea-baggers yesterday.  Is he allowed to do that?


Babies are born with accents that they pick up from their parents.


Death penalty opponents have made it so expensive to lodge appeal after appeal against the state that the Georgia Supreme Court heard a case yesterday about whether or not Georgia can afford the death penalty.


The reason the state had negative revenue from corporate income taxes last month was because corporate tax refunds exceeded corporate tax payments.


I never thought I would say this, but Macon should be a model for the state's government.  Mayor Robert Reichert is laying off city employees to balance the budget and "right-size" city government.


The Houston County Board of Education is looking at changing a couple of their policies regarding enrollment and redistricting.  Meanwhile, another couple was indicted for sending their children to Houston County schools even though they do not live in Houston County.  I wonder how many years Houston County has missed these two?


Bibb County School Superintendent Sharon Patterson says that state taxpayers should pay for security in their schools.

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