Monday, November 23, 2009

Senate Moves On ObamaCare

Even as the Senate takes up ObamaCare, support for the measure continues to hemorrhage.  Some Democrat members of the Senate are even starting to admit that they would become martyrs for the cause of nationalizing American health care.  While Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) says that this bill is as important as the Civil Rights Act and the creation of Social Security, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) points out some of the numbers behind the bill.


By 2019, taxpayers will pay $196 billion per year for ObamaCare but 24 million people will still be uninsured.  Some of those taxes will be on the companies making the swine flu vaccine, and we'll also be paying for the $300 million vote of Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA).  Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) calls Medicaid a "Medical Ghetto," and even 60 Minutes is looking into the death panels.


Federal officials are investigating a small radiation leak at Three Mile Island.  Yet again, the safety procedures worked.


The United States is approaching a large wave of debt payments.  How much is $12 trillion?  Speaking of paying back the debt, did anybody see the Saturday Night Live opening skit?


Democrats are fighting over what to do with $200 billion in leftover bailout cash.


Unemployment taxes are rising, which could cause businesses to have more difficulty hiring new employees as the real unemployment rate is already 17.5%


As blame for the bad economy continues to shift from Republicans to Democrats, support for President Obama dropped below 50% for the first time in the latest Gallup survey.


The 9/11 defendants are going to plead not guilty so they can put the United States on trial.


Programs for gifted students do not receive much funding compared to other programs.


German magazine Der Spiegel says that Obama's nice-guy act in foreign policy is not accomplishing anything.


I could have told you this:  getting dirty might be good for a child's health.


Here's my post at United Liberty about the fake stimulus jobs in Georgia.


The state is paying its chief water litigator $855 per hour.


Good news for Robins Air Force Base:  the last BRAC cost more than it saved.

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