Friday, November 13, 2009

Islamist Terrorists In Civilian Courts

9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will be tried in civilian court in New York, which appears to be illegal based on the 2010 Defense Authorization Act.


White House counsel Gregory Craig resigned today.  He was the guy who came up with the policy to close Guantanamo Bay and neuter interrogations of Islamist terrorism suspects.


Federal prosecutors seized four mosques yesterday that were a front for the Iranian government.


Sarah Palin's new book exposes that the McCain campaign used her essentially as nothing but a pretty face.  She is a pretty face, but they grossly misused her.


The federal budget deficit in October was $176.4 billion, but next year Obama plans to get tough on the deficit.  I don't trust him.


President Bush is warning now about big government.  Where was this during his eight years in office?


Half of Americans think that health care is not the federal government's responsibility.  The more they learn about what government involvement in health care does to the price of health insurance, the less likely they will be to support it.


The British government is considering giving every citizen a "carbon allowance."  A plurality of Americans now believes that global warming is caused primarily by long-term planetary trends rather than humans.


President Obama refused to defend the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Is it ignorance or just hatred of America?


Many Chinese are celebrating Obama's trip there by comparing him to Mao.  That seems appropriate.


If you don't think you pay enough in taxes, send a check to the Bureau of Public Debt in West Virginia.


The Obama Administration is making moves to remove Republicans from the bureaucracy.


The Republican National Committee's health insurance plan included coverage for abortions.  They're not making much of a case for their competence at running things.


The White House is going to start a push for amnesty next year.  They really are painting a target on Democrats' backs.


Fidel Castro is a big fan of Barack Obama.


NASA bombed the moon and found water.  Whoopee.


Chefs in Colombia have created a passion fruit and Viagra dessert.


Your dumb criminal story of the day comes from a now-suspended Delta pilot.  Enjoy.


The University of Georgia overstated the number of jobs they created with stimulus money, but you won't get them to admit it.


Charles Richardson is worried about the average Georgian.  He's so worried, in fact, that he wants to raise taxes.


Mike Daley has now received the endorsement of every serious candidate for City Council who did not make the runoff, thanks to the support of Art Howard earlier this afternoon.

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