The Senate will have a test vote on their ObamaCare bill tomorrow night, since Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) caved on his idea of having the Senate clerks read the entire bill before a vote. They will get the vote of Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) because they earmarked $100 million for her state in the bill. Jamie Dupree has a few of the tidbits from the bill.
Here are the top ten biggest stimulus projects, along with the number of jobs allegedly created or saved.
Major Nadal Hasan, who was apparently worried about the results of a recent HIV test, sent an e-mail to radical cleric Anwar al Awlaki saying "I can't wait to join you" in the afterlife. This is one seriously disturbed crazy Muslim.
Climatologists are confused as to why global warming is no longer happening. Here's an idea: maybe global warming is a massive hoax and scam that you scientists came up with so you could scare politicians into giving you grant money with our tax dollars and push poor Filipino women into prostitution.
Nancy Pelosi wants the tax on Wall Street to be international. She wants to make sure that wherever you go your money belongs not to you, but to her.
Treasury Secretary and Tax Cheat Timothy Geithner is still following the administration line of blaming the Bush administration for everything that goes wrong.
The Washington Post has a story today about poor little rich kids who feel so bad for the fact that mommy and/or daddy were successful.
Arianna Huffington and Keith Olbermann want to exclude conservative speech from the First Amendment.
Democrats and unaffiliateds are more likely to be unemployed than Republicans. Ask yourself: which comes first, being a Democrat or being a parasite?
Can the Postal Service be saved? More importantly, should it?
The FDA is trying to ban alcoholic beverages with caffeine.
Candidate for Mother of the Year: a woman told a cop to taze her daughter because she was not behaving. The officer listened to the mother.
Check out the artistic abilities of Sens. Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson. This is another reason to have them booted from office. (h/t to Jason Pye, click on Georgia)
The Brunswick News is calling for Glenn Richardson to step down as Speaker of the Georgia House following his suicide attempt.
About 300 people showed up last night to the final Houston County school zoning meeting. Where were these people when the School Board was raising taxes in July?
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