Friday, October 12, 2007

Big Show on a Friday!

The Peanut for Brains President, Jimmy Carter, calls Vice President Cheney a “disaster” for the United States.  Jimmy Carter’s Presidency was actually a disaster for the United States.


This should cause some problems among the left:  Greenpeace says that Australians should start eating kangaroos to fight “global warming.”


The Empire State Building will be lit up green in honor of the end of Ramadan.


Algore won the Nobel Peace Prize.  Big deal, so did Islamic terrorist Yasser Arafat.


Congressional staffers were instructed to get immunized before going to NASCAR races.


A government school in Denver, Colorado has started sending out obesity notices to let parents know that their kids are fat.


Hillary is considering eliminating the Social Security tax cap, just like the other Democrat front-runners.


Speaking of the Democrats, they gave their plans for education yesterday.  Of course, there was no mention of eliminating the government’s role in educating children—can’t upset the teacher’s unions!


Here’s the latest column by John Stossel on health care.


Muslims are telling Christians that if they do not make peace then the survival of the world is at stake.  I wonder which side is supposed to capitulate here?


The former President of Iran said that Hitler’s treatment of Jews was because "they were a pain in the neck.”  Expect to hear this again—Israel is “a pain in the neck” to Iran now.


Also, SGA President Akeem Anderson will join the show at 1:00 to discuss the SEA Bear Grant that was the topic of this week’s column in the Cluster-blank.

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