Friday, October 26, 2007

Democrat Tax "Reform" Plan

I know they’re skimpy, but hey, it’s a Friday.  Give me a break.



Here are 35 Inconvenient Truths for algore:  The errors he made in his movie.


I’ve been saying this for years, and finally I have some scientists on my side:  You can never trust climate computer models because they will never be accurate.


Congressional porkers care more about their pet projects than they do about kids’ health care.


It’s a good thing Miami’s Channing Crowder can play football for a living.


Wednesday I told you about the generosity of Californians in helping those who had to be evacuated from their homes by the wildfires.  Here’s a case of illegal immigrants trying to steal from them.


Charlie Rangel, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, unveiled a huge $1 trillion tax plan to redistribute wealth yesterday.  Republicans are calling it the “mother of all tax hikes,” but just wait until 2009.  As Dick Morris says, it’s all downhill from there.  And by ‘it’ I mean the economy.


Tales from Socialized Medicine:  The British National Health System claimed to have a budget surplus this year, but then it was reported that they had over $8 billion in repairs that they had not done.  Get ready, it’s coming here.


Patrick Buchanan writes that if Rudy Giuliani wins the Republican nomination, the Republicans will retain power but lose their soul.


The Georgia Supreme Court has finally ordered Genarlow Wilson to be freed.

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