Monday, October 22, 2007

Obama's Class Warfare Tax Scheme

Iran claims that crude oil prices are too low.  They say that the price is too low because they are not getting enough profit per barrel.  So who’s greedier, the members of the OPEC cartel, or the oil companies?


Rudy Giuliani to the Christian Taliban:  “We may not always agree.  I don’t always agree with myself.  But I will give you reason to trust me.”  What?


Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue is asking President Bush to declare North Georgia a disaster area because of the drought.  This is necessary so that water used to hydrate a mussel can be used for the citizens of the Atlanta area.


Ah-nald claims that Republicans should move to the center on issues of health care and education.  Basically, this means that he wants socialized medicine and more government indoctrination.


Here’s a video of John McCain getting the only standing ovation of last night’s GOP debate.  Hippie bashing is always a fun sport for Republicans!


Here’s proof from Australia that this global warming theory is just another socialist redistribution of wealth scheme (after all, the science isn’t holding up to scrutiny anymore):  the Australian government will sell “carbon permits” and use the proceeds to subsidize the energy bills of lower-income Australians.


A Zogby poll released yesterday showed that half of Americans would never vote for Hillary.  Why am I still skeptical?  I’ll explain on the show today.


Government school idiocy:  in New Jersey, a second grader was suspended from his government school for drawing a stick figure shooting a gun.  Also, a South Carolina government high school student was expelled for having a butter knife on campus.


Government school students are complaining that, in many cases, they do not know how many questions they have to get right in order to pass standardized tests.  The typical “cut” score is only getting about half of the questions on the test correct.


Race Pimp Al Sharpton is going to lead two hate-crimes marches protesting the fact that two whites were not charged more heavily for attacking a black victim.  Of course, if the scenario was the other way around “Reverend Al” would never say a word.


Barack Obama is running a new ad on taxes, saying that he wants to roll back the tax cuts for the rich (standard Democrat class-warfare line) and give tax breaks and handouts to the “working class” (standard Democrat class-warfare line).  He also complains that it takes too long to file taxes, which would be a perfect opportunity for the FairTax…but he can’t use the FairTax for his class-warfare battles.


Got crabs?   Donate them to a museum!

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