Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Back to Business as Usual

President Bush is criticizing Congress for not getting anything done this year.  Isn’t it a good thing that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats can’t accomplish anything?


Speaking of Nancy Pelosi, her own leftist constituents in San Francisco are starting to turn against her.  Is it possible that we will see Rep. Cindy Sheehan?


Economists much smarter than I are starting to analyze this mass redistributionist tax scheme that Charlie Rangel rolled out last week.  Lawrence Lindsey says that, coupled with other tax hikes, Rangel’s plan will return tax rates to Carter-esque levels.


Speaking of taxes, Warren Buffett believes that he should pay more.  Apparently he suffers from government dependency syndrome.


Sen. James Inhofe delivered an over two-hour floor speech yesterday in the Senate for the purpose of debunking global warming hysteria.  Here are some excerpts.  It certainly does make for interesting reading, especially for those of you who still believe in this junk.


Speaking of global warming, the alarmists have come up with more ways that global warming can kill you.  To make matters worse, your children are most at risk!


Of course, the House (and Harry Reid) believes that global warming caused the wildfires in California, even though a boy has admitted to starting one of the fires while playing with matches.


1 in every 10 government schools is considered a “dropout factory,” where only 60 percent of students who start actually graduate.


Why don’t students graduate from these “dropout factories?”  I’m sure a large portion of it is because their government educators are too busy teaching them “multiculturalism.”  Some examples of workshops from the National Association for Multicultural Education include “Queering the Curriculum” and lessons on “Radical Math.”


Hollywood is making a GI Joe movie, only he’s not a “real American hero.”  Instead, GI Joe is an acronym for Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity.  I say GI Joe always fights with Team America.


After my latest column in the Cluster, I’m expected to be branded as an “Islamophobe,” since that is the term thrown around for anybody who questions radical Muslims.


There may be a bed on this plane, but don’t even think about trying to join the Mile High Club.  You have another option if you’re in the Atlanta area, however.


A British celebrity revealed her secret to weight loss—lots of sex.


The need for speed is an inherently male trait, according to a German study.


Scientists found the oldest living animal…and then they killed it.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Fire at Mercer Radio!

OK, so the headline is hyperbolizing a bit.  We did, however, have a catastrophic failure on our sound board that prevents the show from airing today (smoke pouring out of electronic devices is usually a bad thing).  We will return on Wednesday with the news here and more, plus the fallout from my last column in the Cluster.


Tales from socialized medicine:  Brits are leaving the country in record numbers to receive their health care due to rationing and waiting lists.


Bad news for worshipers at the church of global warming:  this year has had the least hurricane activity in 30 years.


Despite the Kyoto Protocol, the use of coal is increasing in China, a nation exempt from Kyoto.  Just remember, Kyoto and the global warming movement is just a front for socialist movements.


John Edwards             this weekend proposed a giant slab of fresh-off-the-Marx socialist programs, including universal Pre-K, a higher minimum wage, and more Section 8 housing benefits.  He also wants to limit advertising by drug companies, as part of his socialized medicine scheme.


More John Edwards:  Edwards’ staff is upset with the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill journalism school over a few students doing a news report critical of Edwards.  They want the students to pull the video off of YouTube.  There is a lesson to be learned from this:  the left hates free speech unless it agrees with them.  I am dealing with the same thing here at Mercer.


Speaking of health care, Rudy Giuliani is starting to tease his health care plan, saying that he does not want government bureaucracy.


First Lady Laura Bush defended the oppression of women by Muslims, defending the mandated use of the hijab, or head scarf.  This kind of appeasement is going to destroy this nation in the war against Islamic extremism.


AJC Columnist Jim Wooten criticized the Georgia Supreme Court for freeing Genarlow Wilson, calling it “judicial activism.”  I call it justice.


Remember when Democrats criticized Republicans for not working full weeks?  Well now the Democrats are cutting back the Congressional workweek, so that members can spend more time in their districts (probably campaigning).


Speaking of Congressional Democrats, their disapproval rating is 75%, worse than the still-dismal ratings of the Republican majority last year.


Here’s something for those of you looking to lose weight:  staying single and chewing gum are two ways to lose weight and keep it off.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Democrat Tax "Reform" Plan

I know they’re skimpy, but hey, it’s a Friday.  Give me a break.



Here are 35 Inconvenient Truths for algore:  The errors he made in his movie.


I’ve been saying this for years, and finally I have some scientists on my side:  You can never trust climate computer models because they will never be accurate.


Congressional porkers care more about their pet projects than they do about kids’ health care.


It’s a good thing Miami’s Channing Crowder can play football for a living.


Wednesday I told you about the generosity of Californians in helping those who had to be evacuated from their homes by the wildfires.  Here’s a case of illegal immigrants trying to steal from them.


Charlie Rangel, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, unveiled a huge $1 trillion tax plan to redistribute wealth yesterday.  Republicans are calling it the “mother of all tax hikes,” but just wait until 2009.  As Dick Morris says, it’s all downhill from there.  And by ‘it’ I mean the economy.


Tales from Socialized Medicine:  The British National Health System claimed to have a budget surplus this year, but then it was reported that they had over $8 billion in repairs that they had not done.  Get ready, it’s coming here.


Patrick Buchanan writes that if Rudy Giuliani wins the Republican nomination, the Republicans will retain power but lose their soul.


The Georgia Supreme Court has finally ordered Genarlow Wilson to be freed.

This week's Cluster-Blank Column

Safety in the Skies?


By Jeff Scott


Ever since the United States was attacked by Islamic terrorists on September 11, 2001, the federal government has been promising us that we would be safer at home thanks to the massive bureaucratic mess that is the Department of Homeland Security.  A study done by an “important” bureaucracy of its own effectiveness shows that not only are we not safer, incompetence and political correctness are ruining airline security.


Last week, USA Today received a leaked report from a study that the Transportation Safety Administration on the effectiveness of airport security screeners.  The results were depressing and frankly, rather scary.  The TSA sent undercover agents through the security lines at airports with fake bombs and parts of bombs under their clothes or in carry-on bags.  According to the report, which only studied Chicago’s O’Hare, Los Angeles, and San Francisco International Airports, TSA screeners allowed over 60% of the hidden bomb materials through the checkpoint and onto the plane.  The incompetent government employees allowed 60% of the bomb materials onto the plane at O’Hare and 75% onto the plane in Los Angeles.


As you consider how safe that really makes the planes that Americans fly on everyday, remember also that the TSA has a policy that forbids screeners from requiring passengers to remove their turbans.  We are fighting a war against Islamic terrorists, who have already used airplanes as bombs to destroy buildings within this country, but the people who receive our tax dollars in their paychecks to keep airplanes safe are not allowed to require somebody to remove a turban?  How does this make sense?  This is political correctness run rampant.  The restriction was put in place because some religious organizations (probably the Islamists at CAIR) were upset and claimed it was “racial profiling.”  So?  What is wrong with racial profiling?  The United States are at war with Islamic fascists.  All 19 of the hijackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia.  So why in the hell is it Grandma Rose being pulled aside for additional screening?  Why do Ahmed and his turban get a free pass?


Yes, I am absolutely advocating profiling.  If the enemy (and Islamic terrorists are the enemy) fits a certain description, then anybody matching that description should be given much more scrutiny.  I understand that it will inconvenience innocent Arabs and Muslims, but the reality of the war in which we are engaged will require that.  This is not to say that nobody else will need to be screened, simply that extra scrutiny needs to be given to people who look like the enemy.


You may have noticed that I neglected to mention how San Francisco’s airline screeners performed on the test.  I did so because the screeners in San Francisco are not TSA employees.  They are contracted by a private company.  So how did private airline screeners do?  Significantly better—only 20% of the hidden bomb pieces made it through the checkpoint.  Don’t believe it?  Neither did the TSA agents.  Apparently they just thought that the private screeners got lucky, so they did as many tests in San Francisco as in Chicago and Los Angeles combined (145, 75, and 70, respectively).  It is no fluke!  Private employees do significantly better at keeping us safe than government bureaucrats.  Of course, they are held accountable for their performance, by undergoing constant covert tests.  When they have to work to keep their jobs, they perform at a higher level.  What a novel idea!  Government employees, on the other hand, get a free pass.  They are rarely tested, and it is almost impossible to fire an incompetent government employee.


So since political correctness makes us less safe, and government employees make us less safe than their private counterparts, here’s an idea:  privatize airport security, and let them do their jobs!  Stop worrying about offending Muslims.  If they do not want to deal with additional snags in the airport security line, then they can either get the jihadist terrorists among their religion under control or they can drive.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Successful San Diegoans Survive--Without Government!

Here’s a big surprise:  President Bush is the biggest spender since LBJ.  In reality, he’s probably the biggest spender since FDR.


Dick Morris says that Bill Richardson will be Hillary’s running mate.  Not only that, but he thinks Hillary can carry North Carolina thanks to single moms and Hispanic voters.


Here’s a case of government bureaucracy getting in the way of getting something done:  Because two different government agencies are fighting over stocks of the anthrax vaccine, the vaccine is expiring and being wasted, burning about $100 million of our tax dollars per year as a result.


The whiny stories of the rising price of college and student borrowing just keep coming.  If some low achievers would just give up on going to college then the problem would be solved.  It’s simple supply and demand.


For those of you Chuck Norris worshipers out there, Chuck endorsed Mike Huckabee for President.  That probably means that Huckabee’s level of support doubled.  I’m sorry, but I still can’t take seriously a guy who does late-night exercise equipment infomercials.  Plus, Jack Bauer is a lot cooler.


I use the terms “Islamic fascism” and “Islamofascism” quite often to describe our terrorist enemy.  Christopher Hitchens writes a column justifying that.


David Freddoso documents the Republicans’ failure to attack earmarks.  They’re just encouraging it, and making their contributions to the lists of earmarks.


Dennis Kucinich saw a UFO.  No punch line necessary.


Congressman Tom Tancredo issued a request to ICE asking them to arrest and deport illegal immigrants attending a rally in support of the latest amnesty attempt.


Fred Thompson issued his immigration plan yesterday, and he’s got some pretty good ideas, like ending federal funding for sanctuary cities.


Candidates are finding a way to get around the anti-free-speech McCain-Feingold, by accepting donations from children.


Suburbanites in San Diego have been forced to the football stadium in that city after wildfires put them at risk.  Strange, they’re not having the problems that they had in New Orleans after Katrina.  I’ll explain why on the show today.


Speaking of the wildfires, USA Today reported on the possibility of Islamic terrorists setting wildfires in the United States back in 2003.  Is that what happened here?

Monday, October 22, 2007

Obama's Class Warfare Tax Scheme

Iran claims that crude oil prices are too low.  They say that the price is too low because they are not getting enough profit per barrel.  So who’s greedier, the members of the OPEC cartel, or the oil companies?


Rudy Giuliani to the Christian Taliban:  “We may not always agree.  I don’t always agree with myself.  But I will give you reason to trust me.”  What?


Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue is asking President Bush to declare North Georgia a disaster area because of the drought.  This is necessary so that water used to hydrate a mussel can be used for the citizens of the Atlanta area.


Ah-nald claims that Republicans should move to the center on issues of health care and education.  Basically, this means that he wants socialized medicine and more government indoctrination.


Here’s a video of John McCain getting the only standing ovation of last night’s GOP debate.  Hippie bashing is always a fun sport for Republicans!


Here’s proof from Australia that this global warming theory is just another socialist redistribution of wealth scheme (after all, the science isn’t holding up to scrutiny anymore):  the Australian government will sell “carbon permits” and use the proceeds to subsidize the energy bills of lower-income Australians.


A Zogby poll released yesterday showed that half of Americans would never vote for Hillary.  Why am I still skeptical?  I’ll explain on the show today.


Government school idiocy:  in New Jersey, a second grader was suspended from his government school for drawing a stick figure shooting a gun.  Also, a South Carolina government high school student was expelled for having a butter knife on campus.


Government school students are complaining that, in many cases, they do not know how many questions they have to get right in order to pass standardized tests.  The typical “cut” score is only getting about half of the questions on the test correct.


Race Pimp Al Sharpton is going to lead two hate-crimes marches protesting the fact that two whites were not charged more heavily for attacking a black victim.  Of course, if the scenario was the other way around “Reverend Al” would never say a word.


Barack Obama is running a new ad on taxes, saying that he wants to roll back the tax cuts for the rich (standard Democrat class-warfare line) and give tax breaks and handouts to the “working class” (standard Democrat class-warfare line).  He also complains that it takes too long to file taxes, which would be a perfect opportunity for the FairTax…but he can’t use the FairTax for his class-warfare battles.


Got crabs?   Donate them to a museum!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Stark: Bush Amused By Troops Dying

Left-wing Democrat Congressman Pete Stark claims that President Bush is amused by troops dying in Iraq.  Isn’t he in the party that is so invested in the killing of the troops that they are willing to hijack the mission with this silly Armenian Genocide resolution?


Here’s a study that says that claims that shorter people are less healthy because they have a “chip on their shoulder.”


Government security screeners at America’s airports are pathetically incompetent when it comes to stopping a bomb.  Maybe if they would look at the guy in the turban instead of the grandmothers they would be more successful.


Speaking of government incompetence, how about this story of a Mexican infected with tuberculosis who managed to cross the southern border 76 times?


Speaking of Mexicans, President Bush’s Press Secretary, Dana Perino, said that illegal Mexican aliens don’t want to live in America, they just want jobs here.  Just wait until there are enough Mexicans living here who want to retake their country.


A student at Hamline University was suspended for simply stating that the Virginia Tech massacre could have been prevented had students been allowed to carry concealed weapons.  Fortunately, Mercer is not that ridiculous, since I said the same thing in the spring.


Here’s Hillary Clinton’s latest welfare program proposal.  This time, it’s for the kids.  Proposals like this are why some are speculating that even Republican women might vote for Hillary.


President Bush may have historically low approval ratings, but Congress’ ratings are even lower—only 11%.  Why, then, do Americans still trust these people to give them healthcare?


Thank goodness Airhead America radio host Randi Rhodes wasn’t attacked.  That didn’t stop the left-wing conspiracy theorists from blaming conservatives.


Tales from socialized medicine:  a father in Britain had to deliver his child after his wife was turned away from government hospitals twice.


Here are some really twisted stories:  A government middle school in Maine is going to start offering contraception to its students after an outbreak of pregnancy, and a specialist on early childhood education in Norway thinks pre-schoolers should be allowed to explore their sexuality.  Why can’t we just let them be kids?


Smells associated with breast feeding can actually turn other women on.  Yet more reason to allow it in public.


Good news, guys:  having sex every day is good for a man’s fertility.


Cursing at work is actually good for employee morale.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

No Show Today

Due to a rapidly approaching due date on a major paper, I will be unable to do the show today.  I apologize, but I will return on Friday.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Democrats Hate NASCAR!

Last week a House Homeland Security Committee memo was leaked saying that staffers should get vaccines that are never otherwise required for domestic travel.  This weekend at Charlotte, fans took the opportunity to let their feelings about it be known.  Democrats in North Carolina could only cringe.  Sure, Democrats have a bias against the South (even Mississippi Democrat Bennie Thompson, the committee chairman), but if they were consistent they would be calling for NASCAR to be banned.  I’ll explain why today.


Corporate execs apparently think that they are overpaid.  The ones who think so can surely take a cut in pay, but why should this be reason for the government to get involved?  The answer:  Democrats’ class envy.


A legitimate scientist, hurricane expert Dr. William Gray, said that algore’s movie is “brainwashing” and “ridiculous.”  So is the statement from the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-Moon, that global warming threatens their goals of ending poverty.  I guess now if they don’t achieve their goals they can just say “global warming is to blame!” and the debate will be over.


How can the Bush administration keep advocating an Islamic terrorist state?  Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was in the West Bank yesterday, and said that it is time for a Palestinian state.  Do they not understand that they are supporting Islamic terrorism?


Don’t expect them to crack down on this either:  the internet is becoming a battleground for the jihadists, and Americans are giving them aid and comfort.  If I was in charge, these people would be hung for treason.


Democrats’ lust for redistributing income applies to colleges too.  Now they want to force colleges with large endowments to use that money to cut tuition rates.


The Navy was forced to spend $4.5 million to get a boat that they didn’t want and couldn’t use.  Why would they waste our money like that?  Because the Congressional representatives of Washington state wanted the pork project for their campaign contributors.


Tree-huggers yesterday announced that John Edwards is their guy for President.  Isn’t he too pretty for them?

Friday, October 12, 2007

Big Show on a Friday!

The Peanut for Brains President, Jimmy Carter, calls Vice President Cheney a “disaster” for the United States.  Jimmy Carter’s Presidency was actually a disaster for the United States.


This should cause some problems among the left:  Greenpeace says that Australians should start eating kangaroos to fight “global warming.”


The Empire State Building will be lit up green in honor of the end of Ramadan.


Algore won the Nobel Peace Prize.  Big deal, so did Islamic terrorist Yasser Arafat.


Congressional staffers were instructed to get immunized before going to NASCAR races.


A government school in Denver, Colorado has started sending out obesity notices to let parents know that their kids are fat.


Hillary is considering eliminating the Social Security tax cap, just like the other Democrat front-runners.


Speaking of the Democrats, they gave their plans for education yesterday.  Of course, there was no mention of eliminating the government’s role in educating children—can’t upset the teacher’s unions!


Here’s the latest column by John Stossel on health care.


Muslims are telling Christians that if they do not make peace then the survival of the world is at stake.  I wonder which side is supposed to capitulate here?


The former President of Iran said that Hitler’s treatment of Jews was because "they were a pain in the neck.”  Expect to hear this again—Israel is “a pain in the neck” to Iran now.


Also, SGA President Akeem Anderson will join the show at 1:00 to discuss the SEA Bear Grant that was the topic of this week’s column in the Cluster-blank.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cluster-Blank Column

SGA Wasting Student Activity Funds on Environmentalist Agenda


By Jeff Scott


Listeners to my radio show will know that, from time to time, I report on examples of government wasting money on frivolous pork projects, usually slipped into a bill by a single member of Congress or in committee without ever having to be mentioned on the floor.  Our young legislators on Mercer University’s own Student Government Association voted last week to give the largest Bear Grant in history to an environmentalist group with a poor history of fiscal discipline to advance their agenda.


The Bear Grant that SGA approved, by far the largest of this year’s Bear Grant process, gave Students for Environmental Action over $7,500 in student activity fees for use in this fiscal year.  SGA’s budget shows that they have a total of $40,000 for Bear Grants for all student organizations, so their $7,500 makes up almost 20% of the total Bear Grant allocations.  According to a high-level SGA source, the same organization has been given Bear Grants of a combined $5,000 the last two years and has returned the money to SGA because they did not spend the money.  To make sure that their lack of fiscal discipline did not prevent them from getting the money this year, SEA brought not just their President, as is customary for Bear Grant hearings, but a large group of students wearing green ribbons and even a faculty member, who also happens to be the father of the organization’s President.  They used intimidation by numbers to get their Bear Grant passed for an obscenely large amount.


So what is your student activity fee paying for?  They are using $2,000 to bring a speaker to campus.  This is not a horrible proposal; however, they are not using any outside money for any of their proposals.  If a lecture is worth that much money, why not ask for some money from the Environmental Science department, the President’s office, or other sources of money within and outside the University?  Many student organizations host speakers, and use other sources of funding to do so.  Why does SEA think that they are too good to get outside funding?  Is it just that they have a strong sense of entitlement?


SEA also feels it necessary to use $850 of student funds for promotional purposes.  Between t-shirts, reusable grocery bags, decorations, and Nalgene bottles, every student should know who SEA is by the end of this semester (assuming they spend the money this year).  They also requested $1,500 for recycling bins, which according to SGA’s minutes are already on campus.  Even that information, which was presented publicly in the Senate by Vice President and Dean of Students Dr. Douglas Pearson, was not enough to encourage SGA to cut their allocation.  Perhaps they were simply intimidated by a bunch of hippies with green ribbons.


Probably the most egregious of the allocations are for things that should be the University’s business, not a student organization’s.  You see, SEA wants to do an “energy audit” of Mercer’s campus.  To do so, they need to rent an infrared camera and purchase AC sensors and energy panel clocks.  These items come to a price tag of $1,800.  Add the recycling bins and the $200 for plants and seeds, and SGA gave a student organization $3,500 to do something that the University should be doing.  After all, as a private institution Mercer should be paying attention to the amount of energy used on its own; the University has to pay a power bill.  Why should student activity funds be going towards the business of the University?


I would also like to draw attention to a smaller appropriation:  $50 for fluorescent light bulbs.  First of all, it is again the University’s business to purchase light bulbs, not a student organization’s.  Second, while these fluorescent light bulbs have been praised by environmentalists for how “eco-friendly,” they can also be very dangerous to humans and the environment if they are broken, because they contain mercury.  Estimated clean-up costs for a broken fluorescent light bulb are about $5,000.  So members of SEA, make sure you don’t break one, or you’ll have a real lesson in environmental clean-up, from the very device that you want to use to save the earth.


SGA passed this Bear Grant, after much deliberation, by an estimated 3-1 margin.  Of course, you or I will never know who voted on each side because SGA does not record their votes.  They are able to shield themselves from criticism by voting anonymously.  This is a prime opportunity for students to pressure their representatives to make SGA open by forcing them to record and publicly publish the results of every vote taken by the Senate.  This would give students an opportunity to hold their representatives accountable for their votes.  Right now they can hide because we do not know how they vote.  It is time for an amendment to the SGA constitution or bylaws that will require every vote to be recorded and publicized.


There is one group of students (other than SEA) who can celebrate this Bear Grant.  AniMercer, you have now been relieved of the position of students’ whipping-boy for wasting student activity fees.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hillary's new redistributionist scheme

Hillary introduced her retirement plan.  Guess what?  More socialism!  “From those according to their means, to those according to their need.”


Speaking of Hillary (we sure do seem to have a lot of news on her, don’t we?  Well get used to it—she will be the next President of the United States), she was endorsed by the chief of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, an Islamic terrorist group.


We’re not done with the future Madam President.  Sandy Berger is now an “unofficial, unpaid advisor” to her campaign.  Do we remember why Sandy Berger was indicted?


North Dakota state Senator Tim Mathern claims that SCHIP is not welfare.  Either he’s stupid, or he’s lying.


Left-wing sob story alert:  Here’s a woman who is considered homeless, but is trained as a medical receptionist.  She had four children with different fathers, starting at age 18.  But of course our compassionate society is willing to put her up in a homeless shelter.


New York City government libraries include books that are used by Islamic terrorist groups to recruit terrorists.  You’d think in New York City they would keep an eye out for that kind of thing.


At George Washington University, a series of anti-Muslim posters featuring the headline “HATE MUSLIMS?  SO DO WE!!!” starting appearing.  What is being ignored by the mainstream media is that the posters were put up by a Muslim student as “satire.”


Macon Mayor Hakim Mansour Ellis sponsored a Ramadan forum and feast using city facilities.  Where is the ACLU when we need them?


Future Vice President Barack Obama spoke to a black church in South Carolina and claimed that the Republicans do not own faith and values.  Beyond what Obama said, why is that church not losing its tax-exempt status?


Kudos to Michelle Malkin for finding this one.  Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) introduced an amendment to an appropriations bill asking the ICE to limit enforcement of immigration law so that illegals can participate in the 2010 Census.


Muslim medical students in Britain are refusing to learn about alcohol-related illnesses and venereal diseases because they are forbidden by their religion.  It seems like there is an easy solution:  if you don’t want to learn what you need to, then you can’t be a doctor.


A group of National Guard soldiers came home from Iraq after a 22-month tour only to find that the Pentagon had signed their orders for only one day less than what would have made them eligible for benefits under the GI bill.  An unrelated, but coincidental, fact is that these were the same troops who made the “Halp us Jon Carry—We R stuck hear n Irak” sign.


Only a third of Americans are bothered by hearing people who mainly speak Spanish.  I still say it should be impossible to live in America without a working knowledge of the English language.


Monday was Columbus Day, a day that is no longer celebrated in government schools because it is politically incorrect to celebrate Western Civilization.  One protester called it “a celebration of genocide.”  Even if this was true, what kinds of cultures were wiped out?  I linked to this last week, but I guarantee I will mention it today.


Amid talks that may return Don Imus to the airwaves, the National Association of Black Journalists is trying their best to keep him from returning.  Can’t they just leave him alone and let him come back?


Friday, October 05, 2007

Lots on Hillary Today

I promised to explain this on Wednesday, but didn’t get around to it.  To make it up to you, I will lead with it today:  Hillary’s “Baby Bond” idea is not popular with Americans.  A Rasmussen poll shows that by a 2-to-1 margin, Americans oppose the idea.  Minorities and young people are more likely to support it.


Here’s a guy who should be expecting a pink slip soon:  CNN meteorologist Rob Marciano said that “There are definitely some inaccuracies” in algore’s film “An Inconvenient Truth.”  Questioning algore and the global warming cultists just won’t be tolerated at that left-wing network, even when a scientific study proves that the sun is still the main force behind climate change.  Don’t expect to hear about this study anywhere else.


Speaking of algore, the Heartland Institute, a libertarian think-tank based in Chicago, has spent $700,000 on newspaper ads challenging the high priest of environmentalism to a debate.  So far, no answer.


Here is a guy who has spent too much time around lawyers:  a 51-year-old undergrad student at UMass-Amherst didn’t like his grade in a class, so he sued.


John Stossel wrote a column last week on the problems with the health insurance system.  This week, he looks at a possible solution, which would save a lot of people a lot of money, make them healthier, and make individuals more responsible for their own health care.


Experts say that Mitt Romney’s health care plan that he introduced in Massachusetts is almost the same as HillaryCare 2.0.


Hillary wants to legalize federal funding for stem cell research, saying that would bring integrity to science.


Here is even more reason to hate the New York Yankees.  They have been wasting taxpayer dollars, calling it “planning costs” for their new $795 million dollar stadium that is also taxpayer subsidized.


The government teachers’ union endorsed Hillary.  No surprise here.


New York University is installing footbaths for Muslims.  They don’t pass up an opportunity to insult Southerners either, because of course we are backwards for not being so tolerant to the Islamist agenda.


Michael Chertoff gave environmentalists reason to support securing the border, saying that illegals “degrade the environment.”  I’m not holding my breath on that one.  Illegals also cost Los Angeles County alone $35 million in a single month.  This is why it amazes me that a judge could block a program to report illegals.


Speaking of illegal immigration, Hillary wants to create an amnesty that also includes families.  She also wants to cut the Hispanic dropout rate from government schools in half.


Here’s some local news:  Macon Mayor C. Jack Ellis is considering running for Congress.  If anybody could make “Crazy Aunt” Cynthia look sane, it’s Ellis.