Tuesday, April 07, 2009

CAGW Issues Their "Pig Book"

Citizens Against Government Waste released their 2008 Pig Book of pork barrel projects.  You can search the projects by sponsoring member of Congress.  In the House, Jim Marshall got 56 projects worth $50.1 million, while Sanford Bishop got 68 projects worth $74.9 million.  In the Senate, Saxby Chambliss got 108 projects worth $127 million, while Johnny Isakson got 78 projects worth $119.7 million.


The IRS is now trying to probe the pay of nonprofits' executives.  The Obama Administration doesn't like the competition from private charity.


President Obama made a surprise visit to Iraq.  Good for him.


At least one patient at a VA medical center has been diagnosed with HIV after a colonoscopy with unsterilized equipment.


Citing the economy, Vanity Fair has dumped their annual "green issue."


Almost half of the French say that it is acceptable for workers facing layoffs to lock up their bosses.


Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL) described Nancy Pelosi as "crazy," "Tom DeLay in a skirt," and "mean as a snake."  That wasn't very nice, especially to the snakes.


Judge Andrew Napolitano says that the control of banks by the federal government is the new world of class warfare.


GM is speeding up its bankruptcy plans.  Looking at their latest "idea," it looks like they won't be able to do it quickly enough.


Obama is playing a superhero in two upcoming comic books.


Thanks to an asinine "no tolerance" policy, a girl in Fairfax, Virginia was suspended for 2 weeks for taking her birth control pill.


A new study shows that the government of the United Kingdom could save nearly $30 billion by legalizing drugs.


CVS Pharmacies are working with Google Health to offer electronic health records.  Who needs government when you've got the free market?


Here's a column previewing the big Tax Day Tea Party movement, while the mainstream, uppity, navel-gazing media ignores it.


Up to 40% of Australian women buy bras with a cup size of DD or larger.  Maybe I should move to Australia.


The Warner Robins City Council yesterday denied rezoning that parcel of land near the White Columns subdivision.  Good for them and good for residents of White Columns.


Governor Perdue signed a bill into law that flew under the radar the whole session that gives school districts an extra month to decide teachers' contracts.


DuBose Porter officially entered the race for Governor yesterday.

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