Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Democrat Scandals Everywhere Today!

Today is a juicy day for Democrat scandals.  You have California Senator Dianne Feinstein introducing a bill to spend $25 billion on a government agency that had just given her husband's business a lucrative contract, California Congresswoman Jane Harman promising help for an AIPAC espionage case in exchange for help becoming House Intelligence Committee Chairwoman, Pennsylvania Congressman John Murtha is still directing earmarks to his campaign contributors, Mississippi Congressman Bennie Thompson is getting millions of dollars in homeland security earmarks for his alma mater, even though they don't have the capacity to provide the services under the earmarks, and Indiana Congressman Pete Visclosky has to use his campaign funds to pay for legal help defending himself from an FBI probe into his campaign fundraising.  Power corrupts.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


To make things even worse, we have warnings from the bailout watchdog that the program is vulnerable to fraud.  Some banks are trying to get out of TARP, and Obama isn't crazy about the idea, as they take the backdoor to nationalization.


Obama is going to attend a meeting with credit card company executives, presumably to protect them from the pitchforks the same way he is with the banks, as long as they kiss his ring.


Even the mainstream media recognizes the insignificance of Obama's so-called budget cuts.  Here are some analogies for the amount of the cuts proposed.  Even White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs can't call these serious budget cuts with a straight face.  Obama clearly thinks we're all stupid and can't count.


Former Vice President Dick Cheney wants to release more of the CIA interrogation memos—the ones on the results of interrogation, like the fact that waterboarding Khalid Sheik Mohammed led to information that stopped a 9/11-style attack on Los Angeles.


John McCain is criticizing Barry's version of a cap-and-trade scheme.  He's criticizing only the version, not the concept, which might be why McCain is facing primary opposition next year.


A majority of regular Americans view Tea Parties favorably, but the political class hates them.  Republicans still aren't seeing big benefits from the Tea Parties.


Hugo Chavez says that Venezuelan-style socialism has started to become policy in the United States under Obama.


Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says that crossing the border is not a crime.  I wish we could fire these people just for ignorance.


The Ninth District Court of Appeals decided that the Second Amendment applies there.


Forget deficits or national security, what really matters is that a shirtless Obama will be on the cover of The Washingtonian magazine.


A teenager ruined his pants when a police officer jumped out of the car that he was trying to steal.  The best punishment would be just to publicize the kid's name.


Senator Johnny Isakson will not run for Governor, instead sticking with his re-election bid for Senate.  Now if only we can find a "real" Republican to oppose Isakson for Senate.  Isakson is showing his true colors in supporting Arlen Specter in his re-election bid.  This is why I hope to support (if he runs) Eric Von Haessler's Senate run.  You can see his speech to the Georgia Libertarian Party Convention last weekend over at Jason Pye's website.


A poll released yesterday shows John "The Fascist" Oxendine as somewhat of a frontrunner in the race for the GOP nomination for Governor.  Apparently Congressman Lynn Westmoreland is seriously considering a run for Governor as well.  Sam Olens will run for Attorney General.


Warner Robins no longer uses the gas chamber to kill stray animals.  Now if only we can eliminate the need to kill these animals…

1 comment:

Jake said...

Not only did the Ninth Circuit decide that the Second Amendment applies there, they incorporated it against the states via the 14th Amendment, which is somewhat of a first in federal court.

Further, technically the defendant (the county which was sued in the case) won, so only the plaintiffs (that is us, the gun nuts) can appeal unless the defense requests an en banc rehearing, which is not likely.

Long story short WE WON!