Thursday, April 23, 2009

Obama Playing Godfather Again

President Obama is having his meeting with the credit card company CEOs today, in his continued role as financial Godfather.  The credit card companies are just trying to stay in business without the help of the federal government.


This is one of the best ideas I've seen in a while:  Randy Barnett makes the case for a Federalism Amendment.


Government Motors is going to close most of its factories in the United States for nine weeks this summer.  This should be a good move for GM, but it won't be because UAW workers will still get most of their pay.


Treasury Secretary and tax cheat Timothy Geithner says that the United States needs the rest of the world's economy to recover before we can recover.  He may acknowledge that the United States is the world economic leader, but does he really believe it?


FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair wants to end the concept of banks being "too big to fail" by having the federal government determine what is "too big" and not allowing banks to grow too much.


Obama yesterday made indications that he would support drilling for oil and natural gas in the United States.  I'm not holding my breath on this one.  He also burned over 9,000 gallons of airplane fuel on Earth Day so he could give his Earth Day speech in Iowa.  CBS News shared their vision of what "green" living should be, by showing a place in Peru where they depend on a combination bicycle and washing machine to do their laundry, with the help of people from MIT.  Why not help them get electricity instead?


Apparently air pollution actually helps stop global warming.  What do environmentalists do with this information?


Apparently the FBI spied on Tea Party participants.  I'm a bit skeptical, but I'll at least consider it.


The Treasury Department has not come up with a plan to manage what it owns under the TARP program.  Where's the exit strategy?


Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano apparently thought that the 9/11 hijackers came into the United States through Canada, prompting one Canadian newspaper to ask how she got her job.


Here's a shocker:  the woman who begged President Obama for a house is still unemployed.


Vice President and Clown Prince Joe Biden announced yesterday that $300 million in "stimulus" money will go towards buying clean cars.  Weren't they just bragging about "cutting" $100 million from the budget?


Conservatives in Britain realize that, if their government raises tax rates for the rich to 50%, the high achievers will leave the country.


Obama's moves to investigate Bush Administration officials for the "torture" of Islamic terrorists could be the beginning of the downfall of his Presidency.  We can only hope.


The failures of America's government education monopoly are actually costing the United States more than health care, through a loss of growth in GDP.


The family of the Somali pirate being put on trial in New York is asking for a pardon for the pirate.  The families of the killed pirates also want compensation for killing their kids.


Somebody is paying for robo-calls to Congressman Lynn Westmoreland's constituents, telling them to ask Westmoreland to stay in Congress.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Love the show Jeff. I heard you asking why didn't they just give the kids in Peru a solar panel or a wind turbine so that they could use electricity to do the laundry. I, at first, agreed with that. Then i got to thinking maybe it's because a bicycle powered washing machine would make for pretty simple repairs and probably be more durable. Just my two cents!