Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Keep Your Lights On--It's Earth Day

Today is Earth Day, and I can think of no better way to celebrate than by thoroughly debunking the myth that is global warming.  Astronomers are having some trouble figuring out why the sun is so quiet, which is causing a reversal of global warming.  There is a study that shows that rich countries, rather than polluting more, actually pollute less, a trend that only improves with a heavy respect for property rights.  People are starting to quit caring about "global warming," as there is a decline in "green guilt."  This isn't stopping the Democrats from pushing their cap-and-trade scheme, which will not stop "climate change" and will cost American households almost an extra $4,000 per year.  The most important thing for the Democrats is that it would be "the most significant revenue-generating proposal of our time."  It's all about power.


Here's an excellent video about government corruption.  The only way to prevent corruption is to separate so much power from politicians.  Removing the power from politics would also cut down on the so-called "revolving door" between Congress and lobbying firms.


Government run colleges and universities are raising tuition much more than private institutions.  Remember this whenever you think about government running anything else—especially health care.


National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair says that high-value information was obtained in interrogations that included what the left calls torture.  Despite that, President Obama is open to the idea of prosecuting Bush administration officials who authorized the use of these tactics.


Barney Frank is showing his hypocrisy, blaming the Bush administration for helping more people own homes, when he pushed for the same things.


Congressman Steve King echoed Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, comparing him to President Obama.


Barry is trying—and failing—to make a viable out-of-court automaker bankruptcy deal.  Just let them go.


The Supreme Court is hearing a case today on reverse discrimination, in which the fire department in New Haven, Connecticut refused to promote top performers on an aptitude test because none of them were black.  Meanwhile, a Republican and a Democrat are working together on a hate crimes bill.


New York City is paying poor people to act responsibly.  When was the last time you got paid for taking care of yourself?


Here's another nefarious part of the card check bill:  there are no safeguards to prevent the union from faking signature cards.


I love this statement from Clayton County juvenile court judge Steven Teske:  "Zero tolerance is zero intelligence."  He was talking about bullies, but that's the reason for that ridiculous case of the 13-year-old girl who was strip-searched at school.


The back-and-forth on the Tea Parties continued today in the Macon Telegraph's letters to the editor and in the Speak Out section of the Sun News.

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