Monday, January 04, 2010

Big Show To Start 2010

Let's see, the orange crop in Florida could be threatened by freezing, temperatures in Iowa are 30 degrees below normal, people in Peru are being pushed out of existence by cold, record low temperatures are being felt in Beijing, and there are blizzards and freezing cold temperatures around the world.  It must be global warming's fault.  There has been no increase in the airborne fraction of carbon dioxide in the last 150 years.


The pieces of a failed prevention of Captain Underpants getting on an airplane continue to come together, as it emerges that MI5 knew about his extremist Muslim connections, his father went to the CIA because the bomber told him during his last phone call that it would be their last contact, and President Obama actually got a pre-Christmas intelligence briefing about threats from Muslim terrorists.  Meanwhile, Obama's top counterterrorism advisor said yesterday that there was no "smoking gun" that they missed, and that they may strike a deal with him.  Meanwhile, 58% of Americans support waterboarding Captain Underpants to get information on Islamist terrorists, Vladimir Putin says that he would castrate Islamic fundamentalists, and the Obama administration closed the US embassy in Yemen because of threats.  Those full-body airport scanners would not have stopped Captain Underpants.


The real danger of this administration could be the government inserting itself into private business.


Even the Associated Press is questioning whether the latest jobs bill will actually create any jobs.


Here's a shocker:  Obama broke a promise to not raise taxes when Congress let 50 tax breaks expire.  If Congress doesn't act, then there will be another tax increase next year.  ABC is upset that, for just one year, the death tax is gone, depriving government of much-needed revenue.


Thirteen state Attorneys General are threatening to sue to get the sweetheart deal for Nebraska pulled out of the health care bill.  Ben Nelson, Senatorial Gigolo is trying to stop them from suing because he wants his kickback.


The Mayo Clinic has stopped accepting Medicare patients.


There was a third White House gate crasher at that state dinner with the Indian Prime Minister.


The stimulus money has hurt states more than it has helped.


Berkeley High School in California is considering dropping science labs because they're too white.


Washington, DC is suing AT&T because the city thinks that all minutes from prepaid calling cards that do not get used should go to them.  They are also placing a fee on plastic grocery bags.


How do you feel about your investment on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?


President Obama has vetoed his first spending bill.  It took Bush over 6 years to do that.


Democrats are going to dust off the old "Blame Bush" strategy for the 2010 elections.  Good luck with that, guys.


Obama named a transgendered appointee to the Commerce Department, which was probably more for the headline than qualifications.


A mother of 9 claims she was sterilized against her will.  Considering she's a member of the parasite class, is it bad that I really don't have a problem with it?


Venezuela is rationing electricity to start 2010.  How's that socialism thing working for you?


Children who are spanked grow up to be happier and more successful.


Here is the annual list of banished words for 2010.


Russia is working on plans to save the Earth from an asteroid.


This is reason enough for John Oxendine to not become Georgia's next Governor.


Governor Perdue named Rep. Jim Cole as the next Secretary of State, but Cole refused the post.  Perdue has now named Brian Kemp as the next Secretary of State.  He was already running for that position.


The Tour de Georgia has been cancelled again for 2010, leading race organizers to wonder whether it will ever happen again.


Here's a preview of the legislative session.  The budget will be the primary issue, but there are plenty of other things for them to work on when they go back in session next week.


A state audit shows no proof that the state's tax breaks for creating jobs are actually creating jobs.


The state is considering a hospital "bed tax" to raise more revenue.


Apparently the files destroyed by Mayor Havrilla and City Attorney Jim Elliott dated back to the early 1990s.  It doesn't change the fact that destroying them may have potentially been illegal.


Christine Armstrong was also fired for the Extracurricular Overwall Operation at the Mayor's Office in October, in part because of the access that she had to the city's network servers and in part for embarrassing the city.

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