Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Small Businesses Pessimistic

Only 36% of Americans approve of Obama's handling of health care.  I would recommend becoming Amish, because the Amish are exempt from the insurance mandate.   Meanwhile, labor unions are upset because Obama supports the Cadillac Tax.


Since AIG and the car companies are causing $68.5 billion in TARP losses, Obama wants to tax all of the banks to make up for the losses.  We're also going to lose over $400 billion on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which have been shown to be worse frauds than Enron or Bernie Madoff ever could have dreamed of being.


The small business index fell last month, as small businesses have less optimism about the future.  The problem is "hope and change."


The US Chamber of Commerce is warning about a "double dip" recession because of the Democrats' policies.


Since the "stimulus" bill has failed so badly, the Obama administration is no longer talking about stimulus.


Now Twitter is being blamed for a murder.  Why not just blame the thug who shot his friend?


The Commissioner of the IRS doesn't file his own taxes because the tax code is too complex.


Half of likely voters believe that global warming is caused by long-term planetary trends, not humans.


The Obama Administration is no longer counting jobs "created or saved;" they're now counting any jobs that exist.


Here are some fascinating numbers behind Americans' everyday lives.


A Saudi preacher is calling on Arabs to stop flying to the United States to protest screening procedures.  Thanks!


I'm not sure I agree that Mark McGwire should be banned from baseball, but what he did was certainly worse than what Pete Rose did.


A cat in Massachusetts was called to jury duty.  Chances are he's also voted a few times for politicians named Kennedy.


Rep. Allen Peake will push for a ban on texting while driving in this year's General Assembly.


Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle is still pushing for tax cuts this year.  Good for him.


At the annual Eggs and Issues Breakfast this morning, Governor Perdue talked health care, transportation, and teacher pay.


The Houston County School Board has a new school zoning plan, and it makes a lot more sense than the old one.

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