Friday, January 15, 2010

Brown Leads In MA-SEN

Scott Brown leads in the latest poll out of Massachusetts (make that two polls!), which is scaring Democrats, including the White House.  It's no wonder, considering that Democrat Martha Coakley had already insulted Fenway Park and has now insulted Catholics too.  Chuck Schumer has called Brown a "tea bagger."  Erick Erickson thinks that Democrats want Brown to win, even as they prepare to have to explain the defeat and how to protect Obama, who will be going to Massachusetts on Sunday to campaign for Coakley.  Let's see how his "make my day" pronouncement works out.  My guess is failure.


Danny Glover said that the Haitian earthquake was caused by the failure to stop global warming at the meeting in Copenhagen last month.  This is just as stupid as what Pat Robertson said.


The labor unions got their sweetheart deal in the ObamaCare bill, so they will support it.  If you don't work for government or are a union member, then you end up getting the shaft.


More bad economic news:  retail sales were down last month, and jobless claims rose.  How's that stimulus working out for you?


The banks may actually fight the new tax that the Obama administration wants to use to punish them.  GM, Chrysler, Fannie, and Freddie will not need to fight because they are exempt from the tax.


The Congressional Budget Office says that cutting taxes is the best way to boost the economy.  In other news, water is wet and fire is hot.


That global warming freeze in Florida might have damaged 30% of the crops there.


Now that Ted Kennedy's out of the way, the Obama administration can push forward on a wind farm off of Cape Cod.


The White House is blaming outdated technology for ineffective computers.


The Justice Department has killed an idea for colleges to use Kindles instead of textbooks because blind people can't use them.


The floor collapsed during a Weight Watchers meeting in Sweden.  This is a sign.


Governor Perdue supports a region-based transportation tax with no county opt-out, but in the meantime is willing to issue state bonds to pay for big projects.


Perdue's budget was released today, and it includes no layoffs, but there are furloughs and a tax increase.


There were only a few changes in House Committee Chairs.  Here are the highlights.


After the resignation of one of his prosecutors, Houston County District Attorney Kelly Burke criticized the state for their funding cuts.  Actually, I think the DA's office needs more funding cuts.

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