Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Ping Pong On Healthcare

The new full-body airport screeners may break child porn laws.  That's in addition to being ineffective.  Of course, it can't get much more ineffective than what we already have, when celebrities and bloggers are kept off airplanes but Islamist terrorists can't be patted down.


Democrat leaders in Congress are going to play ping pong with the health care bill, which is unpopular with liberals and with C-SPAN.


The intelligence community may not be able to share information related to Islamist terrorism among each other, but the CIA is doing a fine job of sharing information with climate scientists related to global warming.


The guy who killed seven CIA officers at a base in Afghanistan last week was a double agent and was well known Islamist internet moderator.


Despite the hope and change, more than one-third of all terrorist plots since 9/11 happened in 2009.


Inmates freed from Guantanamo Bay are heading to Yemen to join al-Qaeda.


So-called "conservative" (by New York Times standards) columnist David Brooks says that tea partiers are nothing but immature children.


All of the problems that states are having balancing their budget is due to the fact that during the boom times they increased the size of government.


Government employees in the local and state level are paid better than private sector employees, and likely still do a lot less work.


The Obama Administration is doing absolutely nothing to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons.


According to Gene Healy, Obama did slightly worse than a solid B+.


Americans' job satisfaction is at a record low.


Children are being used to push the Census.


Your tax dollars are being used to teach people how to shoot heroin safely.


What kind of scumbag shoots a horse with arrows?


Hawaii is considering new holidays and parks in honor of The Mistake.


RNC Chairman Michael Steele says that Republicans "screwed up" after Reagan.  Thank you, Captain Obvious.


Here's how to figure out whether a woman's breasts are real or fake.  Video NSFW.


The state transportation planning director is already trying to find ways to justify raising your taxes to fund transportation projects.


By trying to hand-select the winner of the race for Secretary of State, Governor Perdue is trying to remain relevant.


Chuck Shaheen was sworn in as Mayor yesterday.

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