Friday, January 29, 2010

Osama Is More Honest Than Obama

Even though the economy showed some growth last quarter, economists say that it is too soon to say that the economy is recovering, especially considering that wages and benefits increased by the smallest amount on record.


Democrats are hoping that they will not have to vote to increase the debt limit again while they are in charge of Congress.  They had to resort to breaking the law to get this one passed.


The ClimateGate scientists broke the law by hiding their data, but they won't be prosecuted because of a legal loophole.  Scientists have announced that they have no idea how the climate works, but that humans cause global warming.  Sen. John Kerry (D-France) wants global warming tea parties.  Osama bin Laden has been reading the breathers' talking points, and he's even more honest than they are.


Young Americans don't trust big government or big business.  Now if only they would vote that way.


The White House is already backing off on putting the trials for Islamist terrorists in Manhattan, but they're not considering Guantanamo Bay as a place to put the trials.


A British employer was told that they couldn't post an advertisement looking for reliable workers because it would discriminate against unreliable workers.


Most businesses in Colorado would delay expansion and cut pay for their employees if tax breaks are suspended.


Byron York thinks that Obama is bored with being President.


Obama has found something he doesn't want to spend taxpayer dollars on:  health care for people who became sick after working at Ground Zero following the attacks of 9/11.


Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell is promising to increase speed limits in his state.  Governor Perdue should take note.


Apparently eating pork is good for your sex life.  I guess that's another reason Muslims are so angry.


The state Senate passed a bill yesterday that would fix the ban on hands-free devices for cell phones while driving.


Rep. Debbie Buckner (D) wants a statewide ban on watering lawns.


Charles Richardson is complaining again about cuts to education, but it's hard to feel sorry for schools having their budgets cut when they're spending $5,000 each on glorified chalkboards.


The House killed the hawks yesterday by a unanimous vote.


The AJC complains that Georgia hasn't spent enough money on the high-speed rail boondoggle.


As wintry weather heads for North Georgia, GDOT is whining about their budget being cut.


It's time for Rep. Nathan Deal to prove that he is an American citizen.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

HCBE To Residents: "Screw You!"

Last night was The Mistake's bitter, partisan, angry, long, rambling, boring, Bush-blaming State of the Union Address (full text here, if you have a problem with insomnia).  Not only did he violate decorum by criticizing the Supreme Court with them in the chamber, he did it while being wrong.  He also said that anybody who disagrees with him holds grudges, has pet projects, keeps good people hostage, enjoys sowing division, thinks politics is a game, and apparently is just an all-around SOB.  Here's a list of what Obama proposed last night, and Nile Gardiner gives Obama an F for world leadership.  On the other hand, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell gave the Republican response and absolutely nailed it.  Here's the full text.


Chris Matthews doubled down on crazy last night.


They had to break the law to do it, but the Senate passed an increase in the federal debt ceiling that will probably last until next year.  Nancy Pelosi would support a spending freeze if it applied to defense.


Even Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) says that trials for Islamist terrorists should not be held in New York.


The global warmers are still pushing the lie that cold winters are a sign of global warming.  Also, why would scientists try to hide their data from the public, and other scientists?


Even Sen. Russ Feingold, who was considered a safe Democrat in Wisconsin, might be in trouble this year.


Obama apparently is trying to start a trade war with China.


FDR actually tried to exempt himself from the tax increases he passed as President.


Ford posted their first yearly profit in four years in 2009.  Meanwhile, Government Motors is going to offer $1,000 of your money to any Toyota owner who changes brands.


The bill to ban texting while driving was slowed down after the sponsors could not answer basic questions about how to enforce it.


Republicans in the state Senate brought forth a bill that has many of the same failed ideas from the Democrats' bill nationally.  John Oxendine wants to use the state to further control health insurance the same way he does auto and homeowners insurance.


The state House is set to take out Governor Perdue's ideas for raising revenue, although one of the ideas doesn't look so bad.


College presidents and student leaders have to use lies to oppose allowing licensed gun owners from carrying concealed weapons onto college campuses.


The Houston County Board of Education voted today to approve a zoning proposal that was not made public until this afternoon's meeting.  There are six members of the Board of Education who need to lose their jobs over this.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union Tonight

Democrats have stopped work on ObamaCare after the Republicans threatened to bog down debate if they tried reconciliation.  Obama thinks you're stupid enough to believe it when he says that he didn't sign off on any health care deals.  I have actually found a compelling case for single-payer health care.


Despite lots of stimulus money going towards wind energy and "green jobs," the wind energy industry lost jobs last year.


Finally a Democrat has admitted that it is good for people to make money, but only because then they get to pay more taxes.


The solution to texting while driving is robocars, which are not as far away as you may think.


Democrats are falling as fast as Nixon Republicans in 1974, but more importantly Obama is starting to lose Obama Girl.


Fox News is the most trusted news source among Americans, possibly in part because Fox News was the only network to give Obama similar scrutiny to what the mainstream media gave Republican Presidents.


Obama will announce tonight that his top White House officials will get a salary freeze.  Why not apply it to all government employees?


Joy Behar says that the reason Airhead America failed is because liberals are too sophisticated for talk radio.


Oregon voters yesterday voted to increase taxes on the evil, hated rich and on businesses.  Georgia should be positioning itself to get some of the businesses that may flee Oregon.


The pimp from the ACORN sting videos was arrested yesterday for trying to wiretap the phones of The Cutest Little Whore On Capitol Hill, Sen. Mary Landrieu.


The Huffington Post has their State of the Union Drinking Game 2010.  It is guaranteed to give you death by alcohol poisoning by the end of the speech.


A school in Wisconsin banned "sexual bending" at its prom.


Of the seven Democrat lawmakers who did not take furlough days last year, most have admitted that they are incompetent rather than arrogant.  Rep. David Lucas is both.


Roy Barnes says he would sign a bill to allow sales of alcohol on Sunday.  Make that another reason to prefer Roy Barnes over John Oxendine.


A new bill would allow betting on horse racing in Georgia.


Despite the budget situation, Republican leaders in the General Assembly plan to re-introduce the JOBS Act, which is a package of tax cuts.  House Appropriations Chairman Ben Harbin says that there probably will not be a tax increase this year.


With all the new protests coming from people concerned about "diversity," the Houston County School Board will meet at noon tomorrow to decide the new school zones.  School board members are keeping quiet as to how they plan to vote.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Obama's Pathetic Excuse for a Spending Freeze

The World Social Forum in Brazil is celebrating the perceived failures of capitalism and promoting socialism.  Why isn't Barack Obama there?


Despite campaigning against spending freezes, Obama is proposing a freeze on government spending.  The freeze is a joke, but it gives him some talking points, even though the amount of interest paid on the national debt is more than the total discretionary spending that Obama is looking at freezing.  The deficit this year is projected to hit $1.35 trillion, which is already having adverse effects on the economy.


Obama's State of the Union tomorrow night may be his "I Feel Your Pain" moment.


Obama says that he would "rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president."  How does "miserably bad one-term president" work for you?


Obama is going to meet with House Republicans.  This is dangerous ground for Republicans.


Welfare rolls were up last year as the parasite class continues to grow.


The stimulus package is more expensive than expected because it has failed.


Most members of labor unions work for the government.


Experts on Presidential speeches say that Obama's speeches are too intelligent, and nobody remembers what he says.  (Thanks to Dr. Greg Domin for the link)


A former DNC press secretary tells Democrats to be more libertarian.


The Governator wants to send criminal alien prison inmates to Mexico.


Teen pregnancy and abortion rates were up in 2006.


The federal government has banned truckers and bus drivers from texting while driving.  It was mostly for show.


Thanks to bureaucracy, members of Congress are not allowed to put links to private sector Haitian relief efforts on their websites.


A dictionary has been banned in a southern California school district because it has the definition of "oral sex."


Speaker David Ralston and Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle both oppose the hospital bed tax.


As Ralston and Cagle announce six more furlough days for state legislators, we find out that some members of the legislature did not take their furlough days last year, including two from Macon.


All of the candidates for Governor agree that there are big problems in the state Department of Revenue.  The legislature may make it a point to try to collect more sales taxes.


In his 11 days as Speaker, Mark Burkhalter issued about 30 appointments.


Three Democrat state legislators have introduced legislation to crack down on racial profiling.


Here's the story I talked about yesterday, with the DNR advising John Oxendine to take a hunter education course.


Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers responds to the blatant liberalism of the Macon Telegraph's editorial board.


Houston County legislators want to change the nepotism clause in state law for one person.


I still don't care about the Davis Drive Post Office closing.

Monday, January 25, 2010

ObamaCare Not Dead?

Three different White House advisers appearing on three Sunday talk shows gave three different numbers of how many jobs can be credited to the "stimulus" package.  They need to work on their talking points a bit.


Obama stole a page from the Clinton playbook, endorsing the idea of an independent deficit reduction commission that can't do anything until after this year's elections.


Even though Dick Morris says that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have a secret plan to pass ObamaCare without any Republicans, John McCain is still trying to give them an assist.  Meanwhile, the American Medical Association is regretting their support for it and David Axelrod tells us all that we won't know what is in the final bill until it's passed, and therefore, too late.  Meanwhile, Democrats are trying to destroy the filibuster.


The British terrorist threat level has been raised to "severe" after seeing an unusually high number of people on their no-fly list trying to board planes bound for the United States.  Apparently terrorists may try to use Botox to start killing people next.


Obama still thinks he can save Democrat members of Congress in their re-election efforts this fall.


Obama introduced a few tax initiatives that are supposed to help the middle class.  Instead, it's more big government.


Nancy Pelosi says that creating jobs was the issue that "permeated" their efforts over the last year.


Democrats managed to kill an amendment that would have ended the TARP bailout program.


There are now more than 2,000 federal subsidy programs.


The Obama Administration funneled a $25 million no-bid federal contract to a big Democrat donor.  If this was Bush doing it for a Republican, the media would want scalps.


European countries support Obama's effort to cripple the banks, but they won't follow suit.  They're too busy courting those banks.


The head of the IPCC says that, after using unverified data, incorrectly linking global warming to natural disasters, and using selective temperature data, there could be more errors in the IPCC report.


Even giving people tax credits to buy homes isn't helping re-inflate the housing bubble.


Obama has called his campaign team back to work to help the Democrats minimize their losses in this year's elections.


Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders is a middle-of-the-road Democrat Senator.


A teenage driver was seriously hurt after having a crash while texting while driving.  This will be used to justify a ban on texting while driving, but the kid was charged with moving violations, even without a ban on texting!


A new proposed constitutional amendment would prevent tax cheats from holding elected office anywhere in the state.  The oh-so-ethical Speaker David Ralston actually seems to be defending the tax cheats that exist in the General Assembly.


Governor Perdue wants to tap into lottery funds to cover some of the state's budget shortfall for education.  He will still cut private college tuition grants and other state-funded scholarship programs meant to keep students in Georgia.


The General Assembly is considering new mortgage regulations.


Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle says that there are reforms to the property tax system coming in this session.


There could be a bill from former Speaker Pro Tem Mark Burkhalter to help build a new Georgia Dome.


The AJC's Jim Galloway has a wrap-up of last week's budget hearings.


Apparently the city of Warner Robins needs more employees.  The city already has 600 employees, or about 1 in every 100 residents, which seems pretty top-heavy to me.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Voters Want Congress To Drop ObamaCare

President Obama is seen as anti-business by 77% of investors.  If you're wondering why the economy is still in the dumps, there's your answer.  The stock market has been down over the past few days because Obama won't stop attacking banks.


The President's new deficit reduction panel won't be allowed to make cuts to discretionary spending.


Even though 61% of voters say that Congress should drop ObamaCare and Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) says they should take a break, the Obama administration is pushing forward with it.  It will be difficult to do that if they can't buy off all 50 states the way they did Nebraska, because that would cost about $155 billion over the first ten years of spending.  Check out the results of free health care in Cuba.


After the Supreme Court handed free speech a huge victory yesterday, Rep. Alan Grayson (Moonbat-Florida) called it the "worst decision since Dred Scott."  MSDNC's Keith Olbermann said that, and then he doubled down on crazy.  Jacob Sullum at Reason wonders if donation limits are next.


The UN's global warming body's warnings about melting glaciers were only off by about three centuries, give or take a few decades.  Considering the "science" behind global warming, I'd say that's within the margin of error.


President Obama has admitted that getting Israelis and Palestinians to talk is not as easy as saying "hope" and "change."  Now check out the AP's spin on that.


Holiday Inn is launching a "human bed warming" service in their UK hotels.  This is a bit creepy.


According to one member of the state House, "the babelicious lobbyist factor has definitely diminished."  That's the fallout from the Richardson ordeal—less eye candy.


Georgia's state Health Commissioner wants to raise taxes to fill a $506 million Medicaid budget shortfall.


Georgia Tech's president does not want guns to be allowed on campus even though there have been an increasing number of attacks against students in recent months.  He wants his campus to continue to be a victim zone.


The city of Warner Robins is denying violating the Open Records Act.  Do you believe them?  Neither do I.


More than 200 parents met last night to complain about the alternate school zoning plan being considered by the Houston County School Board.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Supreme Court Hands Free Speech Victory

The Supreme Court has removed limits on political corporate and labor donations in a big victory for the First Amendment.  The pro-censorship left is already trying to put those limits back up.


While CNN is blaming independents' emotion and lack of reason for the Democrats' defeat in Massachusetts, the Obama White House is blaming George Bush.  MS-DNC's Donny Deutsch blames racist and sexist voters in Massachusetts who just wanted a white guy.


Jobless claims increased again last week.  The economy is still in the dumps, but the death of ObamaCare should help.


Obama admits that he lost touch with the American people over the last year, but he thinks it's a failure to talk to the people, even though he gave more speeches than any other President.


The White House is preparing a fiscal task force that would make it easier to raise taxes, even as some Blue Dog Democrats are asking for a renewal of the Bush tax cuts.


Obama wants to end the policy of "too big to fail" by limiting how big banks can be.


One year into his administration, Obama has lost liberals like Mort Zuckerman and the international press says that this is the end of hope.


Small-l libertarian voters are moving back towards Republicans, mainly because of Obama.


Senate Democrats are proposing a $1.9 trillion increase in the debt limit.


Obama signed a presidential memorandum yesterday to go after companies who receive government contracts but don't pay their taxes.  Obviously the memo does not also apply to individuals.


Nearly one in five people say that they will skip the Census.


Islamist terrorist suspects are using their trials to criticize America.  You shouldn't be surprised by this.


Here is further proof of the left-wing media bias.


In honor of Rep. Nathan Deal, here's what birthers really believe.


Some cretin wants to start an all-white basketball league with a team in Augusta.  In addition to being racist, how boring will that be?


John Oxendine is playing down the hunting incident over the weekend, and now he's admitting that Dee Yancey is a friend of his.


If Roy Barnes is the Democrats' nominee for Governor this year, the race is a dead heat between him and Oxendine, Handel, or Deal.


With the state budget being cut, class sizes across the state may be rising.  This will do nothing to harm education.  One idea is to cut from the $36 million that the state spends on testing.


Northside and Warner Robins parents still are not happy with the rezoning plan.  School choice would make everybody except the bureaucrats happy, which is exactly the problem.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Victory in Massachusetts

Democrats got a slap in the face last night from Massachusetts voters, who elected Scott Brown to the United States Senate.  The Democrat circular firing squad has already started, although some liberals are already claiming that Coakley lost because the health care bill is not liberal enough.  Health care was not the most important issue for Brown voters, but the health care bill might have been because of the taxes included.  At least Coakley gave us one last laugh before the race was over yesterday, with a press release claiming voter fraud dated Monday.


At least Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) gets it:  "We're all pretty unpopular."


The White House says that Obama's top priority is jobs.  Wasn't that the point all along?


Rep. Mike Pence may be considering a run for Senate.  Run, Mike, Run!


The next sector of the economy to be nationalized by the Obama administration is student lending.


The United States is only the world's eighth freest economy.  Hong Kong is the freest.


The peaceful, serene, loving, caring religion of Islam closed an "illegal" women's gym and sentenced a 13-year-old girl to 90 lashes after she took her cell phone to school.  The most surprising thing about that is that a 13-year-old girl was allowed to go to school.


The Director of National Intelligence said that Captain Underpants never should have been allowed to lawyer up and shut up.


Hugo Chavez says that the United States military caused the earthquake in Haiti.


A government school nurse in Massachusetts gave students insulin instead of the swine flu vaccine.


New York Governor David Patterson is proposing $1 billion in new taxes.  Hopefully Georgia will be able to capitalize on the exodus of business.


A group of fundies are sending solar-powered talking Bibles to Haiti.  I'm sure they'll be relieved that they can have the Bible read to them while they're dying in the streets of starvation and a lack of drinkable water.


Watch Hitler's reaction to Scott Brown winning in Massachusetts.


This is a very unfortunate, and very cold, wardrobe malfunction.  It really makes you appreciate how hard spandex is working, doesn't it?


Somebody was shot during a hunting junket including John Oxendine and his sons.  The details of this stuff just can't be made up.


While Oxendine was getting ready for the Oscars, the other candidates for Governor had a forum last night.  It was mostly boring, with the candidates agreeing that they will not raise taxes and that they do not like ObamaCare, but there were a few shots fired last night.  Jason Pye has some analysis on who did well and who did not.


State legislators still can't pay their taxes, but the Department of Revenue is saying that it is possible for tax refunds to be delayed this year.


Two Georgia school board members are suing the state to overturn the nepotism clause from last year's education reform bill.


While Georgia holds on to most of the vestiges of bureaucracy in state government, the Department of Corrections has cut 1,550 jobs.


Thanks to Oprah, there is more support for the ban on texting while driving.  I like the response from the guy from Lobbyists for Life and Liberty.


Atlanta is America's gayest city.  DeSoto may be the dumbest.


Somebody will have to convince me to care about the post office on Davis Drive closing.


Last night at the meeting of Warner Robins City Council, they confirmed Alton Mattox as City Clerk, approved spending $20,000 to run water and sewer lines to Vietnam Veterans Memorial Parkway, and skipped over a little bit of procedure to speed some things up, with the approval of document shredding City Attorney Jim Elliott, who I argue in today's Warner Robins Patriot needs to be back in private practice.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Election Day In Massachusetts

While the French accuse the United States of occupying Haiti there are plans in place to bring affected Haitians back to the United States.  While we should be helping Haiti now, the best way to help them in the long run is to end our policy of sending foreign aid.  My blog post up at United Liberty today asks the question:  Should Libertarians Donate To Haiti Relief?


Today is election day in Massachusetts, and I refuse to predict anything.  There are no exit polls, and there will be a close watch out for voter fraud, especially considering that over 600,000 voters on the Massachusetts voter rolls have either died or moved.  Democrats are already trying to figure out who to blame if Coakley loses, but John Kerry has already decided to blame the "dangerous atmosphere of Sarah Palin's 2008 campaign."  Meanwhile, Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) had a comment just stupid enough to be associated with Coakley's campaign and John Ratzenberger (the guy who played Cliff Clavin on "Cheers") gave a passionate and forceful critique of the Democrat Party.  To those people who want the Libertarian candidate to drop out of the race, chances are that more people will think he's one of those Kennedys than will know he's a Libertarian.


On health care, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) says that health care is dead if Brown wins, while Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) wants to change Senate rules to get health care passed.  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) says that they will pass health care regardless of what happens in Massachusetts, and Bill Clinton says that the problem is that Democrats haven't reached out enough to us ignorant rednecks.


The federal government hasn't been able to find much fraud at the big Wall Street firms.


A government auditor has found that the government-run Indian Health Service gave bonuses and awards for poor performance.  Such is the future under government-run health care.  Scott Brown would be a good way to stop it.


The Senate is going to consider pay-go while they talk about increasing the debt ceiling.  Didn't they promise pay-go in 2006?


The Senate has said that they will not pass the cap-and-tax bill this year.


Rep. John Carter (R-TX), who represents Fort Hood, says that the report about the Fort Hood shooting was "sanitized" to avoid mentioning Islamic terrorism.  Bill Bennett calls the same report a "whitewash."


Is the Obama Administration coming after your 401(k)?


Governor Perdue met with lawmakers earlier this afternoon to defend his budget, even as people whine about the cuts to schools.  Given the cuts, I wish Governor Perdue would listen to Vermont Governor Jim Douglas.


Apparently there are a few relatively small permanent cuts in Gov. Perdue's budget.


Georgia's university presidents are very well paid, especially considering the budget situation.


Labor Commissioner Michael Thurmond had a waste of time "jobs summit" yesterday, in which he described the job market as "Darwinian" like it's a bad thing.


A conservative watchdog is back in effect in the State House.


There will be a debate tonight among GOP candidates for Governor.  I will be participating in a live blog of the debate at



Monday, January 18, 2010

Massachusetts and ObamaCare

Even Obama advisors believe that Martha Coakley will lose in Massachusetts now, even though liberal radio and TV host Ed Schultz is encouraging people to commit voter fraud to make sure she wins, which is probably why Scott Brown is already assembling a volunteer legal team.  Democrats are blaming—who else?—George W. Bush for problems getting Coakley elected, even though it's Coakley who insulted Fenway Park fans, Catholics, and called Curt Schilling a Yankees fan.  CNBC's Jim Cramer is predicting a big stock rally if Republican Scott Brown wins tomorrow.  There could be another twist in the saga as well, because according to precedent tomorrow will be appointed Sen. Paul Kirk's last day, meaning he shouldn't be allowed to vote for ObamaCare.


The Democrats are considering skipping another Senate vote on ObamaCare.  Don't believe it; they don't have the votes in the House to get it done.  Ben Nelson, Senatorial Gigolo, has asked Harry Reid to kill the special deal for Nebraska that he sold his vote for.


Hugo Chavez says that the United States is occupying Haiti in the name of aid.  Bill Clinton, who is the UN Special Envoy to Haiti, spent this weekend campaigning for Martha Coakley instead of helping the people of Haiti.  Cruise ships are still docking in Haiti, giving the wealth envy crowd something to complain about.


Wall Street banks may actually defend themselves and pose a constitutional challenge to the new tax on successful banks.  This tax is only one of many that Democrats have considered since taking over last year.


The United Nations is going to retract a warning about melting glaciers because the glaciers aren't melting.


According to a study that has more validity than most global warming studies, voting Democrat causes cancer.


More Americans can identify the Gosselins than the "Father of the Constitution."


Sen. Robert Brown has opposition in his re-election bid this year.  Too bad that district includes the most parasite-filled precincts of Macon.  They won't care that he didn't pay his taxes because they don't either.


With all of the cuts in the state budget, Governor Perdue is still finding a way to fund a $9.1 million upgrade to the Georgia National Fairgrounds and Agricenter in Perry.


If Perdue wanted to, he would have Georgia pull out of Medicaid like Nevada is considering doing if ObamaCare passes.  Instead, he's raising taxes to get more federal money for the program.


Mayor Shaheen has appointed a new City Clerk, which some are hinting could cause some drama on City Council tomorrow.  Shaheen's pick, Alton Mattox, is a longtime veteran of the Houston County School System.


Houston County teachers are taking a furlough day tomorrow.  Just in time for Macon Telegraph editor Charles Richardson to ask for a tax hike!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Brown Leads In MA-SEN

Scott Brown leads in the latest poll out of Massachusetts (make that two polls!), which is scaring Democrats, including the White House.  It's no wonder, considering that Democrat Martha Coakley had already insulted Fenway Park and has now insulted Catholics too.  Chuck Schumer has called Brown a "tea bagger."  Erick Erickson thinks that Democrats want Brown to win, even as they prepare to have to explain the defeat and how to protect Obama, who will be going to Massachusetts on Sunday to campaign for Coakley.  Let's see how his "make my day" pronouncement works out.  My guess is failure.


Danny Glover said that the Haitian earthquake was caused by the failure to stop global warming at the meeting in Copenhagen last month.  This is just as stupid as what Pat Robertson said.


The labor unions got their sweetheart deal in the ObamaCare bill, so they will support it.  If you don't work for government or are a union member, then you end up getting the shaft.


More bad economic news:  retail sales were down last month, and jobless claims rose.  How's that stimulus working out for you?


The banks may actually fight the new tax that the Obama administration wants to use to punish them.  GM, Chrysler, Fannie, and Freddie will not need to fight because they are exempt from the tax.


The Congressional Budget Office says that cutting taxes is the best way to boost the economy.  In other news, water is wet and fire is hot.


That global warming freeze in Florida might have damaged 30% of the crops there.


Now that Ted Kennedy's out of the way, the Obama administration can push forward on a wind farm off of Cape Cod.


The White House is blaming outdated technology for ineffective computers.


The Justice Department has killed an idea for colleges to use Kindles instead of textbooks because blind people can't use them.


The floor collapsed during a Weight Watchers meeting in Sweden.  This is a sign.


Governor Perdue supports a region-based transportation tax with no county opt-out, but in the meantime is willing to issue state bonds to pay for big projects.


Perdue's budget was released today, and it includes no layoffs, but there are furloughs and a tax increase.


There were only a few changes in House Committee Chairs.  Here are the highlights.


After the resignation of one of his prosecutors, Houston County District Attorney Kelly Burke criticized the state for their funding cuts.  Actually, I think the DA's office needs more funding cuts.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Obama Would Lose 2012 If Held Today

A majority of Americans would vote against Obama if the 2012 elections were held today.  Maybe that's why Republicans are so confident that they will take back the House this year, although their strategy is seriously flawed.  Obama admits that he has not brought the country together.  Actually, the poll numbers show that he has brought the country together, just not under his leftist ideology.


Even though Barney Frank calls it a "demented right wing…conspiracy theory," there are plans to delay the seating of the new Senator from Massachusetts if it happens to be Scott Brown.  Democrats are considering bringing in Obama if Coakley can't finish the job herself, which could be the case if she continues to be condescending towards fans at Fenway Park.


While Democrats are trying to buy union support for ObamaCare by exempting them from the Cadillac tax, Ben Nelson, Senatorial Gigolo is being criticized at home for supporting the bill.


The "Doomsday Clock" moved backwards today.  Have they never heard of North Korea or Iran?  Or al-Qaida's air force?


The White House says that the stimulus has created 2 million jobs.  They're so desperate for good press that they're just making stuff up at this point.  The Cato Institute's Jeffrey Miron has a real stimulus idea:  repeal the corporate income tax.


Speaking of "stimulus," ClimateGate professor Michael Mann received stimulus money.  Are you still wondering why the "scientific community" is so intent on pushing the global warming lie?


John Stossel, in a preview of his show on the Fox Business Channel tonight, wants to get rid of crony capitalism and replace it with real capitalism.


Here's the Christian response to Pat Robertson's ignorant drivel.


Saying that he wants his money back, Obama is going to impose a new tax on the largest banks.  This will, of course, end up hurting consumers.  Democrats are also attacking Wall Street executives (again) for the amount of money they make.  This tune is getting very old.


President Obama has requested $708 billion for the military next year.  That's a record.  The lefties are loving their hope and change all of a sudden.


The Food Network admitted that the vegetables used on a special White House episode that were claimed to have come from the White House vegetable garden did not come from the White House.


The TSA screwed up and allowed somebody to take a gun onto a plane.  In response, the airport is considering having a private company handle security.


In honor of Martin Luther King Day, Denver, Colorado government schools are serving "Southern Style" chicken and collard greens for lunch.  Remembering what I do about school food, that sounds better than most of what I had to eat, but they'd probably find plenty of ways to mess it up.


Roy Barnes is criticizing state officials for taking free college football and basketball tickets from lobbyists for the University System.  I'm with Roy on this one; why should the University System be allowed to use tax dollars to lobby for more tax dollars?


Governor Perdue weighed in on transportation today by putting off a vote on a transportation sales tax until 2012.


Local governments in the state are having trouble with their budgets after the cold snap cost millions of dollars.  Here's hoping they don't ask for a bailout.


Georgia is considering opting out of ObamaCare.


A Houston County senior assistant district attorney is going to resign effective February 1.  Rats fleeing a sinking ship.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Democrats Having Trouble on ObamaCare

Americans are split on whether Obama's first year has been a success or a failure.  His approval ratings are also dropping on health care and the economy.


Democrats are having some serious problems with ObamaCare as the House wants more from their version and some House members are blaming the Senate, saying that they are "holding a gun to [their] head."  Meanwhile, House Republican Whip Eric Cantor still believes that this bill can be defeated.


The ObamaCare bills would hurt the poor the most, even though Democrats want to tax the rich to pay for it.  On the other hand, they may end up being more lenient than originally thought on employers.


Have you seen the new Pepsi Throwback?  It's only relevant because of bad government policies that make it too expensive to use sugar.


The White House says that President Obama has strengthened America in their first year.


The unemployment rate is expected to exceed 10.5% later this year.


A Washington state legislator wants to ban negative language.  She wants to start calling kids "at hope" instead of "disadvantaged" or "at risk."


Why have there not been many jobs created by the road work in the stimulus funds?  Because road construction does not require many employees relative to the total size of the labor market.


A new economic study shows that countries with large government debts have less economic growth.  In other words, government stands in the way of the private sector.


Four Saudi men were taken off an airplane from Amsterdam to Detroit after the federal air marshals on board the plane were alarmed by something they were saying in Arabic.


State Republican lawmakers are giving up on a statewide vote for a transportation sales tax.


The General Assembly will consider the issue of teachers having consensual sex with their students.  There is also a new gun bill that really doesn't make much sense.


The Chancellor of the University System of Georgia says that colleges will have to adapt to tighter budgets while students were protesting a couple hundred dollars in fees.


If you're wondering why you haven't seen anything about Governor Perdue's State of the State address, it's because he didn't say anything.  Here's the text; have a look for yourself.


The Macon Telegraph has a story today claiming that a donation from the Donald Walker campaign account to Chuck Chalk was illegal, while 13WMAZ says that the law is "ambiguous" and the State Ethics Commission will not start an investigation itself.  Chalk has responded in an e-mail, which I will read on the air today.


The Houston County siren system is up and running now.