Friday, April 10, 2009

Obama Still Showing Weakness

Government workers, due in large part to their benefits, get paid almost $12 per hour more than the average private sector employee.


The "global warming" bill being proposed by far-left Congressman Henry Waxman could not only lead to the government controlling every aspect of your home, but could also result in rampant lawsuit abuse.  President Obama had a pizzeria owner flown from St. Louis to Washington just so he could make him some pizza.


Obama says that the economy is showing "glimmers of hope," but he hasn't cited any statistics.


We're still just screwing around with the pirates off the coast of Somalia.  At one point the American hostage jumped out of the lifeboat and tried to swim away, but the pirates caught him again.  Why were there not Special Forces there ready to kill each and every one of the pirates?  Now they're getting backup and want $2 million in exchange for the hostage.  It wouldn't surprise me if we paid it.  The media is portraying the whole situation as either an "annoying distraction" for the President or as an example of America's "power limits."  Barry and Hillary met on the playground yesterday, but Barry still hasn't made a statement on the situation.


Barry is asking Congress for $83,400,000,000 in supplemental funds to fund the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  What happened to funding that through the Defense budget?


Government Motors might be split into two companies, with one being the successful parts and one being the unsuccessful parts.  The unsuccessful parts might actually be shut down.  The federal government is going through a back-door bailout by purchasing 17,600 new Detroit-made cars.  Another reason that the American car companies are in trouble is that, while Honda came up with the idea for a dog-friendly car, GM was too busy working on that stupid Segway thing.


Education Secretary Arne Duncan says that kids need to spend more time in class.


Obama will bring up amnesty this summer, but Congress may not pass it.  We can only hope.


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton does not think that Iran's latest nuclear claims are meant to be resistance to her attempts to talk to them.  It's not resistance, it's leverage.


Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL) says that there are exactly 17 socialists in the House of Representatives.  That's all?  I think he's low-balling that estimate.


How does $2,000,000,000 in child care and vaccines stimulate the economy?


The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Parkway will be dedicated tomorrow.  The Macon Telegraph was too busy telling people that Russell Parkway will be shut down for a while tomorrow.


Erick Erickson isn't thrilled with what Governor Perdue has done over the last seven years.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You may want to add this to your Islamic Somali Pirate note:

Can you believe that the French are acting stronger than the US?!