House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer called critics of Obamacare "Un-American." Meanwhile, Democrat members of Congress continue to try and get their union thugs and other supporters into town hall meetings by begging liberals to come and even paying them to help push Obamacare through the permanent Obama campaign apparatus. The drug lobby is also spending $150 million in television advertising to push support for Obamacare.
As town hall meetings across the country, including in Memphis, Tennessee, turn raucous, some members of Congress, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, are calling off public town hall meetings because they just can't stand the heat. The location of that town hall meeting that turned violent thanks to the SEIU has decided they don't want any more union thugs causing problems in their school, so they cancelled an event with Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO). Here in Georgia, Rep. David Scott (no relation) had a meltdown at a meeting in Douglasville which you can watch here.
Sarah Palin has once again made liberal heads explode by referring to Obamacare as "evil." In reality, she's right, since it will lead to health care rationing. Another problem is that wages will stagnate. With Obama saying that a Canadian system wouldn't work in the United States, why does he continue to push for one? A majority of Americans are also more afraid of government than they are of insurance companies.
After the story last week about Cuba running out of toilet paper, is it the best idea to be extolling the virtues of the Cuban health care system?
Unintended consequences: the cash-for-clunkers program could drive used car prices up, ironically hurting the poor, who buy used cars, the most. Birther, Congressman, and candidate for Governor Nathan Deal voted present on extending the cash-for-clunkers program. Somebody needs to tell him that a Governor can't vote present.
Those two bubble-headed "journalists" working for Al Gore who were taken prisoner in North Korea were in more danger on the plane ride home with Slick Willy than they were in North Korea. They were just a bargaining chip, and Kim Jong-Mentally-Il got exactly what he wanted: legitimacy.
The Obama Justice Department is considering a criminal investigation into CIA interrogation practices.
California could get nine extra seats in the House of Representatives that it doesn't deserve because the Census will count criminal aliens.
Tax Cheat Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has asked Congress to increase the federal debt limit. Congress will roll over and do it, with maybe a handful of votes against it.
Some businesses in Rhode Island were closed because they did not pay sales tax revenue to the state. I'm on the state's side in this one.
A 17-year-old in California was killed after falling from the roof of a moving car. That's just Darwin at work.
I really don't think it's fair to say that Rep. Scott had a meltdown...I mean he was just pissed off that some yahoo gate crashed an unrelated forum to put his two cents in about health care. Like he said at the end, he will be more than happy to answer questions about health care when congress returns to session in a more appropriate setting.
Apparently Democrats only believe "dissent is the highest form of patriotism" when they're the ones doing the dissenting.
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