Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another Government Bailout

After getting off the air yesterday, I did some extensive research on the mortgage and credit crunch.  An important thing to remember is that, while the Democrats say that there was simply a lack of regulatory enforcement, it was the Democrats who were receiving huge campaign donations from Fannie and Freddie (and putting their CEOs on campaign staffs).  Keep another thing in mind:  Fannie and Freddie were not free market actors; they were created by the government.  As a result, it was government and big-government Democrat policies that were responsible for the failures of the mortgage giants.  Here's a little bit of background into the creation of Fannie and Freddie and the mess that they've created.  Here's some analysis into the possible future of the mortgage giants, while placing the requisite blame on the artificial government-created monopoly that was Fannie and Freddie.


Now the feds have bailed out and taken control of AIG to prevent them from falling into bankruptcy.  Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi is denying that Democrats have anything to do with the "crisis."


Charlie Rangel plans to remain in his Chairmanship of the Ways and Means Committee, pointing out other members of Congress in leadership positions despite pending investigations and indictments.  To me, it's not about corruption; that's business as usual in Washington.  To me, it's all about the complexity of the tax code.


The latest left-wing race-baiter:  Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius.


Here's some more information on Obama's friends Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dohrn.


Sonny to the rescue again!  Now his office is issuing guidelines for Georgians to help them save fuel, including properly inflating your tires.


The House passed a halfway-to-drilling bill last night that still leaves a vast amount of oil out of reach.


McCain advisor Carly Fiorina is in trouble with her own campaign for saying that Sarah Palin and John McCain are not qualified to run a major corporation.  Needless to say, the Obama people jumped on that.


Hillary Clinton was going to attend a protest rally against Iranian President "Crazy" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad being allowed into the United States for a meeting of the UN.  Then Sarah Palin was invited.  Hillary has now cancelled her appearance.


The state of Pennsylvania banned smoking completely on every college campus in the state.


It's Constitution Day.  What a joke.  Nobody really gives a damn about the Constitution anymore.  Oh, here's a pathetic quiz about the Constitution.

1 comment:

knowitall said...

What else is new? Just wait until the left-wing illuminati have full control. There will be lots of more bailouts in their terms.