Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Biden steps in it again

Here's a shocker:  environmentalists are the most likely to travel long distances more often, contributing to "global warming."  All you needed for proof of this was Al Gore—he travels enough to compensate for a few dozen average Americans.  In other news, Bette Midler decided to stop touring in order to help protect the environment.  Yeah, that's why.


The sun has cooled down a bit, but somehow that isn't linked to "climate change."


PETA wants Ben and Jerry's to use human milk in their ice cream.


Democrats have finally conceded defeat in the battle over offshore oil drilling.  They are not going to renew the offshore oil drilling ban.


The FBI is looking at Fannie, Freddie, Lehman Bros, and AIG in a new fraud probe.  The Democrats are doing their best to make sure that they don't catch any of the blame for the problem.


This bailout bill is meeting quite a bit of resistance on Capitol Hill, especially from Republicans.  They couldn't even be turned by Dick Cheney.  By the way, here's the full text of the bailout bill as it exists now.


Ed Feulner has an idea for a free-market fix for the economy.


Terrence Jeffrey has a brilliant column today on the mortgage mess and class warfare.


A CNN poll says that the Republican Party is taking most of the blame for the economy, with Barack Obama gaining in the polls as a result.  It just shows how intellectually challenged the average American voter is, even though currently they are opposing the bailout plan.


Here's another article on Bill Ayres, this one about his foray into education.


We've got another example of a Biden screw-up.  Biden told CBS Evening News that FDR got on television after the stock market crash.  Despite this latest in a string of Biden mistakes, Obama continues to stand by him.


Biden wasn't done yet, although this is more a moment of honesty than a screw-up.  Last night he told a group of trial lawyers that they are a key part of the Democrat Party.


With the Taliban hiding in Pakistan, the local governor is telling the United States that they must talk to the Taliban rather than pursue them.


How ridiculous is this?  The toilets at the London Olympics will be designed so that they do not face Mecca.


Iran has a new alternative to Ken and Barbie.


A guy was charged with battery for passing gas around a police officer.

1 comment:

knowitall said...

Now that it's over, who looks more like Bush? The left-wing illuminati who have kept some of his administration.