Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Cap-and-Trade Payoffs Emerge

Federal agents are going door-to-door looking for guns because the Mexican drug cartels are paying people to buy them guns.  They do that on this end because they're not willing to stop the illegals from getting into the United States to begin with, although the Obama administration is looking to send National Guard volunteers to the border to stop drugs.


Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) says that cap-and-trade is "dead in the water" in the Senate.  They managed to pass it in the House by giving payoffs to members in exchange for their votes, including a $3.5 billion earmark for one member from Ohio.  Since members never actually read the bill, they probably have no idea about the "central procurement states" that are mentioned repeatedly in the 300-plus page amendment introduced just 16 hours before the vote.  They also might not know that buildings would have to be retrofitted to increase energy efficiency in order to sell them.


The White House continues to stand on the side of Hugo Chavez, Daniel Ortega, and Fidel Castro in supporting deposed attempted despot Manuel Zelaya in Honduras.


Al Franken was named the Senator from Minnesota yesterday.  Learning the lessons from Franken, here's your guide to how to steal a Senate election.


A plurality of Americans thinks that the Democrat party is too liberal.


Social Security sends checks to dead people.  This is the same government that we want to have control over our health care?  Speaking of health care, Canada is seeing a boom in the private health care market because people are sick of waiting for care in the government system.  The Wall Street Journal has a nice piece today about the fallacies behind the arguments for Obamacare.


Government Motors admits that they're not sure that they will pay the government back for the so-called "loans" that they have received.


The private sector has shed another 473,000 jobs.  Nobody seems to be blaming the Obama administration.


An advocacy group that Sonia Sotomayor worked for sent over 350 pages of documents to the Senate yesterday, just 10 days before the start of committee hearings.  Sotomayor's approval ratings dropped after being overruled by the Supreme Court Monday.  Race pimp Jesse Jackson isn't happy about the Supreme Court's decision.


The United States has the 12th most oppressive tax burden among developed countries.


Another politician managed to get a bailout for a bank in their state thanks to the TARP program.


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tried to get President Obama to be tough on Iran.


Here's another of these stories about the possibility of taxing people by the number of miles driven rather than with fuel taxes.


Here's a really cool picture of an F-22 jet breaking the sound barrier.


Grieving fans of Michael Jackson are committing suicide.  I can't say I'm all that upset by this.


Community health centers across the state will get $16.4 million in stimulus money.  How does that create jobs?


An 87-year-old man in Henry County used a gun to fight back against a robber.  Yet another crime stopped by a lawful gun owner.


Here is a page with a bunch of pictures from the Tea Party yesterday.  Thanks to Lynne for this!

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