Thursday, July 02, 2009

If They Actually Read Cap-and-Trade...

The official unemployment numbers are out, and the Obama Administration's policies continue to destroy jobs as the unemployment rate is 9.5%, but when you count the statistic that the media loved to use during the Bush Administration of "discouraged workers" the unemployment rate is over 10%.


North Korea has fired four short-range missiles today.  Will Obama respond by announcing further cuts to missile defense, or will he just wait for the United Nations to do nothing?


Forty-five percent of American voters believe that one-party rule is bad for the country.  Given recent trends, they're right, but plenty of them will only say that when it's not their party in charge.


The more people actually read the cap-and-tax monstrosity, the worse the bill looks.  Jamie Dupree found three interesting items, Brian Sussman found a few more, and Michelle Malkin found that the bill isn't even finished yet.  You'll have to either click or listen today to find out what they are, but the Democrats know that this thing will destroy jobs.  They also had to hide their plans because a majority of Americans don't want to pay more to fight the phony problem of "global warming."


While the Democrats in Congress are obsessing over "global warming" and alternative energies, the free market is moving back towards energy technologies that actually work, unlike government university scientists who are trying to power cars with chicken feathers.


Details on health care reform, like a tax on employers who do not provide health insurance for their employees, are starting to emerge, but you won't hear them from the Obama administration because he's too busy trying to play your heartstrings like a fiddle.  Wal-Mart has jumped on board with Obamacare because they're trying to put their competition out of business.  Only 20% of Americans think that they will be better off if Obamacare passes, which seems about right considering the lessons we should be learning from Europe.


Congress spent $13 million last year on overseas travel.


The Washington Post was caught trying to sell interest groups access to its reporters for a minimum of $25,000.  They're just desperate to pay the bills at this point.


California is paying its bills with IOUs now.  This is what happens when you let liberals run things.  Things are so bad that the federal government is considering seizing a few of California's state parks if they have to close as a cost-cutting measure.


Judge Sonia Sotomayor helped Bork Bork.  Can we Bork her back?


Health Nazis are trying to get a warning label put on hot dogs served at ball parks.


Cato Institute Vice President Gene Healy has a nice column about Barack Obama's big-government statist dreams.


This writer thinks that the Republicans need to change the way they communicate if they are going to stop being beaten by the Obama administration in public debates.


Watch an Islamic terrorist get blown into the sky by an American Apache helicopter.


I wonder what Hondurans think about President Obama supporting the wannabe tyrant Manuel Zelaya?


Nearly two out of every three Americans say that they are tired of the news coverage of Michael Jackson.


Some people are complaining that their cities are not having fireworks shows on Saturday.  If they had a clue about what Independence Day is about then they wouldn't be complaining.


Macon continues to shrink as Warner Robins continues to grow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yet another good post by the Pettengills in Honduras.