Friday, July 03, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

Finally somebody says that the United States is ready to stop a North Korean missile.  It's just too bad that it didn't come from Washington, but from the commander of the U.S. Northern Command.  Meanwhile, North Korea appears to be preparing for another nuclear test.  Fortunately, it appears that they are using technology that is over 20 years old, which means there is a higher chance of equipment failure.


Tales from government education:  only 3.5% of government high school students in Arizona can pass the citizenship test.


Warner Todd Huston discusses the history of Independence Day.


Good news:  the White House staff is safe from President Obama's tax increases.


The weak employment numbers were actually worse news than most people thought, because the leading indicators are all pointing to the economy continuing to drop.


Some liberals are trying to take Ronald Reagan's name off of the airport in Washington, DC.


When is it bad news for more sheep to survive rather than freeze to death?


Colin Powell is now "concerned" about President Obama's agenda.


The State Department has temporarily stopped sending aid to Honduras over the alleged coup.


Eugene Volokh says that burning the American flag is protected Constitutional speech.  I agree, but I think fist-meeting-flag-burner's-face should also be protected Constitutional speech.


A plurality of Americans says that our nation's best days are behind her.


Americans still claim to support the ideas of the Declaration of Independence.  The real question should be whether they know what they actually mean, and what those ideas mean to modern politics.


The Sears Tower has new glass box balconies sticking out from its 103rd floor.  Would you go out in this?


The Weather Channel has updated their "local on the 8s" music.  It's about time.


A formerly blind British man can see again thanks to a tooth.


Yes, I have seen the nude in-flight safety video.  It's not as exciting as it sounds.


There will be an online lottery for tickets to Michael Jackson's memorial service in Los Angeles.  Can we take away the privilege of voting to anybody who enters the lottery?


Chuck Shaheen will run for Mayor this year.  I've known this was coming for months, and so have quite a few others in town.


Some bubble-headed liberal with a sob story had an op-ed in the Macon Telegraph today trying to claim that it is immoral to not have socialist medicine.


Bill Ferguson puts out the call for somebody to run for Congress against Jim Marshall.

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