Monday, July 13, 2009

Obama: Stimulus Working

The confirmation hearings for Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court began this morning, and the 19 members of the Judiciary Committee are spending the day each making statements, and questioning Sotomayor begins tomorrow.  These hearings really are nothing, because the thing they should be talking about is the Constitution.  Ranking Republican Jeff Sessions calls Sotomayor "out of the mainstream," leading the empty rhetoric.  It looks like there will be no Republican filibuster against Sotomayor, which is fair.  What is not fair is the fact that supporters of Sotomayor are trying to trash the firefighter involved in the New Haven case.


Kim Jong-Mentally-Il may have pancreatic cancer.  It looks like I have to get busy trying to come up with a nickname for Kim Jong-Un.


President Obama had an op-ed in the Washington Post yesterday defending his stimulus package, and his weekly radio and internet address was used to urge people to be patient and let the stimulus work.  Back in January, when he was still trying to sell the stimulus, Obama promised that it would take effect putting people back to work "immediately."  Tax Cheat Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has a message for people who have lost their jobs:  jobs lost now are "necessary and healthy" for the economy.


The pay czar is trying to decide whether AIG will be allowed to give another round of deserved bonuses.


With the minimum wage about to increase, it's time to look at what that will actually mean for low-income earners.


This flap in Washington about the secret CIA program that Democrats claim they were not informed about is just meant to distract you from the real issues of health care, cap-and-trade, and the failure of the Obama "stimulus" program.


Democrats have agreed on a tax hike to fund their socialist health care plan that could send the top federal income tax rate to 45%.  What the Democrats need to be doing is learning from the failures of RomneyCare in Massachusetts, which would show what will happen under ObamaCare.  Republicans are busy pointing out that rationing is inevitable under the Obama health plan, and it might be working because a plurality of voters now opposes the Democrats' plan for health care.  Obama is getting desperate as the timetable for passing a bill keeps getting pushed back, so he's going to bring some of the top lawmakers to the White House to turn some screws.


Al Gore admitted that cap-and-trade will bring about "global governance."  Barbara Boxer says that if we don't pass it, there will be droughts, floods, fires, loss of species, damage to agriculture, worsening air pollution and more.  Way to scare everybody, Babs.  All of this for a false theory based on a lie that they can only sell by scaring the hell out of everybody.


At least one key Republican is prepared to get rid of "No Child Left Behind."  This is what the Republicans need to be doing:  repudiating and trying to undo their big-government programs from the Bush Administration.


While speaking in Ghana over the weekend, President Obama made the statement that "no business wants to invest in a place where the government skims 20 percent off the top."  Given American tax rates, 20% doesn't seem so bad, which begs the question:  Is he even listening to what the teleprompter is telling him to say?


The D.C. City Council wants students in their city to be able to take advantage of the voucher program that Democrats killed.


Swearing actually makes you feel less pain.


A girl in New York fell into an open manhole while texting.


The Macon Telegraph had a nice story on the Mayor's race here in Warner Robins, and the fact that half of City Council is up for re-election.

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