Thursday, July 30, 2009

HoCo Taxes To Rise

Nancy Pelosi finally came unhinged in talking about insurance companies today.  This comes as liberals are unhappy with the deal that was made with the Blue Dogs and President Obama is losing a lot of support on health care and in his overall job performance.  With no vote coming on healthcare until October, we may have been successful in putting this off.


The House health care bill includes the establishment of "medical homes" for the elderly and disabled.  This is terrifying.


Even with the Blue Dogs' compromise yesterday, keep in mind that the history of government health care always shows skyrocketing costs which will inevitably be paid for by workers, while significant profits will be realized by lawyers.


Here's a parasite story that explains the high costs of health care from New York.  It's all about somebody not wanting to pay for themselves.


From formerly-Great Britain, a 25-year-old unemployed fat woman is complaining because she lost welfare money after she lost weight.


Thanks to the health Nazis, cigar makers are having a lot of trouble.  Jobs will be destroyed.


With the "beer summit" tonight, only 30% of voters give Obama good marks for his handling of the Gates incident.  Even the choice of beers is raising some controversy.


The stock market has been rising lately, just as the anti-prosperity agenda of the Democrats seems to be fizzling.


John Stossel points out that the minimum wage destroys jobs.


Protests are starting to erupt in Iran again.


Your tax dollars at work:  "stimulus" money is going to art houses that show pornography.  The only difference between art and pornography is a government grant.


Over 1,200 businesses in Rhode Island face closure because they haven't paid sales taxes.  I'm on the side of the government in this one.


Dan Rather wants the Obama administration to step in to save the media.


The federal government is still trying to figure out how to pay back auto dealers under the Cash-for-Clunkers program.


The voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia was dropped after consultation with the number three guy in the Obama Justice Department.


The Taliban has a new rule book calling for fewer suicide attacks.  They're running out of martyrs.


New York City is trying to get rid of its homeless people, so they're giving them one-way plane tickets to the destination of their choice.  Many of them have been sent to Atlanta.


Both the Houston County Commission and the Houston County Board of Education voted to raise taxes yesterday.  Both boards had one member courageous enough to vote against it.

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