Friday, February 20, 2009

GOP Needs "Hip-Hop" Makeover?

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has a new idea for how to fund transportation.  He wants to tax you for the miles you drive rather than by the gallons of gas you buy.


Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) wants to force a vote on banning the Fairness Doctrine.


Iran already has enough uranium to build a bomb.  Wonderful.


GOP Chairman Michael Steele says that the Republican Party needs a "hip-hop" makeover.  Maybe they should take some tips from these lines from President Obama's book, Dreams From My Father (Warning:  Very bad language).  Of course, it doesn't help when the latest standard for what makes a racist is opposition to the "stimulus" bill.


The New York Post gave a halfway apology for their editorial cartoon that got the race pimps upset.  The race pimps did not receive an apology, nor were they satisfied.


ACORN is breaking into foreclosed homes now to allow the former homeowner to move back in.


The new Governor of Illinois wants Roland Burris to step down from the United States Senate.


There was a candlelight vigil last night in memory of the guy who was shot by a member of the Warner Robins Police Department after he started shooting during a fight.

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