Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Obama's Horrible Press Conference

Here, again, is the cloture vote on the ODAB that occurred yesterday.  The three Republicans to vote with the Democrats were Snowe, Specter, and Collins, who are now targets for primaries from conservatives.  Of course, they had to lie to justify their votes, and there's still no proof that any jobs will be created, but who's keeping track?  Obama is acting like he's back on the campaign trail, though, in the way that he is trying to sell this thing, including going back to the old campaign talking points of McCain not knowing how many houses his wife has.  In the Senate, Harry Reid is threatening lawmakers with the idea of no President's Day recess if they don't get the ODAB finished and on Obama's desk in time and Chuck Schumer says that you don't care about the pork in the ODAB.  By the way, wait until you hear about the scary provisions that get Big Brother into your health care.


We'll also have some coverage today of the miserably bad Obama prime-time press conference last night.  It was bad in both substance and style (he was off a teleprompter, after all), but at least he got a chance to throw Joe Biden under the bus.  And why the hell were the Huffington Post and liberal talk show host Ed Schultz even present at the press conference?  Here's the transcript, by the way.


The Obama Administration put out their new financial rescue plan (TARP 2), which will put taxpayers on the hook for up to another $2 trillion.  Here are some of the juicier tidbits of Treasury Secretary and tax cheat Timothy Geithner's speech this morning.


Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) wants to have a panel on to investigate the Bush Administration.  Any legislative time spent doing that is not spent on borrowing from our children's futures.


A combination of enforcement and the bad economy is forcing illegal immigrants to leave the United States.


Despite getting a bailout, GM is still fighting to avoid bankruptcy, including laying off 10,000 workers (now that they won't go to the jobs bank).  Of course, the taxpayer isn't even the first creditor that would need to be paid off


There are political reasons for Obama wanting the Census to be controlled in the White House rather than in the Commerce Department, as it should be.


A panel of federal judges has ordered that tens of thousands of California inmates be released to ease overcrowding.


State House Democrats want to gain an extra $1 billion in sales taxes by changing the collection mechanism.


Peanut farmers are worried that prices might be too low this year, after the largest crop on record last year.


State Senator Dan Weber (R-Dunwoody) wants to investigate grade inflation statewide.  Education Secretary Kathy Cox was not surprised by the fact that grade inflation exists.

1 comment:

Ted said...

Now, here's an example of chutzpah: The Republicans didn't get their act together enough to challenge Obama for not being constitutionally qualified to be President as an Article 2 "natural born citizen" so Obama's White House steals the census from the Commerce Department against the specific instructions of the constitution itself -- "actual enumeration" under Article 1