Friday, February 13, 2009

ODAB Final Votes Today

The ODAB will come up for a vote today, in violation of a promise by the Democrats to give the public 48 hours to digest the bill before any votes.  Nancy Pelosi has a trip to Rome starting tonight, so that is more important than any promises.  With less than 24 hours to read the bill before the votes, at least one Democrat Senator thinks that nobody will read the final 1,071-page bill.  Who cares?  They just have to get this thing passed before any other positive economic indicators come out saying that we don't need this monstrosity.  They have to do it while people still think there's a crisis going on, because a crisis is a terrible thing to waste, right Rahm Emanuel?  It would also have been nice to have gotten it passed before a bunch of economists pointed out that there won't be any real stimulus in the bill and the Congressional Budget Office showed that the bill would actually hurt long-term economic growth.


Ted Kennedy will not be able to make the vote in the Senate, so it could be a very close cloture vote.


President Obama was caught in another lie about the ODAB when he claimed that Caterpillar would start rehiring people who had been laid off after the bill passes.


Two-thirds of voters say that they could do a better job on the economy than Congress is.  Count me among the majority.


In response to the demonization of private jets by the left, Cessna has a new ad campaign out defending their jets.  After all, they have to cut about a third of their workforce.


As if those fires burning in Australia weren't bad enough, now they have to worry about how much carbon is being emitted.


Bill Clinton wants to bring back the Fairness Doctrine, while Democrat Rep. Maurice Hinchey might include it in a bill about radio and TV ownership later in the year.


Now Henrietta Hughes says she's not milking the system.  Yeah, right.


The President of the Georgia Association of Educators doesn't like the vouchers bill.  Why would he want to actually have to compete?


A student in Columbia County was arrested for taking pictures up his teacher's skirt.  He's a future sex offender.


The condoms business is booming during the recession.

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