Thursday, February 26, 2009

Obama's New Tax-and-Spend Budget

President Obama issued his budget this morning, complete with almost $1 trillion tax hikes and a $1.75 trillion deficit.  Other features include up to $750 billion more for bank bailouts (despite the fact that 56% of Americans oppose more bank bailouts), significantly less money for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and a down payment on socialized medicine.


Obama thinks that he can cut the budget deficit and expand government by taxing the "rich," but even if he were to confiscate all of the income of the horrid evil filthy stinking rich it wouldn't come close to covering the budget deficit.  Obama's calls to end the Bush tax cuts will also raise taxes for people who aren't rich.


Despite the massive Omnibus Democrat Agenda Bill already signed into law, Obama has only begun to grow government.  He will fundamentally change the relationship between the people and the imperial federal government (czar to serf, or slave to master is the only question).


It is very telling when businesses are growing their government affairs departments in self defense.


The omnibus spending bill passed the House yesterday with 16 Republicans supporting it and 20 Democrats (including Jim Marshall) voting against it.


Obama's plan to cram down mortgages is going to hurt the housing market and make mortgages more expensive.


The Republicans are at risk of becoming the party of "no" (thanks to Dr. Greg Domin for sending that to me), which is why they are working on a major doctrinal shift.  Of course, Barney Frank says that Republicans didn't cheerlead for Obama in his speech Tuesday night because they were scared of talk radio.


The number of households with kids has reached a new low.  Unfortunately, the people having the most kids are the human parasites.


The latest target for environmentalists:  toilet paper.


Oil company executives are asking Congress to allow them to drill for oil and natural gas offshore.


Liberals are upset that there was an illegal immigrant raid in Washington State under the Obama administration.  They were hoping for some change.


The one good thing from Obama's speech Tuesday was a plan to cut farm subsidies.  Thanks to Democrats and Republicans alike (including Saxby Chambliss), it looks like that will probably continue to be funded.


Obama will seek a new assault weapons ban.  At least Senators Chambliss and Isakson are co-sponsoring legislation to allow residents of the District of Columbia to possess handguns.


Is libertarianism a sign of mental illness?


Octomom Nadya Suleman has gotten a $1 million offer to appear in a porn video.  Maybe then she'll be able to take care of her kids, proof of which the hospital may demand before they release the octuplets to her.  Too bad she declined the offer; now we'll still be paying for it.


There is a new topless coffee shop in Vassalboro, Maine.  That would never be allowed to exist in Georgia.

A Russian man died after 12 hours of a Viagra-fueled orgy.  At least it didn't take long for rigor mortis to set in.


The committee vote on the Sunday sales bill was delayed because not enough members showed up to vote.


The school voucher bill has cleared the committee.

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