Monday, February 09, 2009

ODAB Cloture Vote Successful

Here is the link to what will be the official roll call vote for the cloture vote held this afternoon on the Omnibus Democrat Agenda Bill.  The bill will pass the Senate tomorrow.  However, remember that this bill is much different than the House's version (except for the price tag).  The two bills must be reconciled by the House-Senate Conference Committee, and then be voted on again.  This is where the real opportunity to kill the bill lies.  The fact that there had to be a compromise from the House version to push the Senate version through with just three Republicans shows that there is discontent.  Depending on what the bill looks like after the Conference, the three mushy Republicans who supported the bill today might not support what comes from Conference.  There is also some room, perhaps, to pick off a few Democrats, especially in the House.  I know today's vote was frustrating, but the work is not finished.  There are still plenty of chances to kill this thing.  Don't get frustrated, keep up the phone calls, and we can still kill this thing.  After all, I am running America by communicating with you folks.  I may be the bogeyman, but you are the ones who do the real work when it comes to stopping bad legislation.

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