Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Selling The Farm For ObamaCare

About 40 percent of all land in the United States is under some form of government ownership or control, and the Democrats are trying to control even more in the name of "clean water."


President Obama has described this as the "last chance" to get nationalized health care done, which is why the Democrats are going to do it even though the American people hate it.  They may be on the verge of a compromise to get Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) to support it, and they're considering using both threats and tax dollars to buy the vote of Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE).  They will still include the individual mandate, which has always been the point, and they will still lie and call it a tax cut, even though many middle class families would have to pay a $15,200 yearly insurance fee.  There may also be a payoff to the drug industry.  Here's what the health care bill means for you.


The federal government is recalling 800,000 doses of the children's swine flu vaccine.  Don't worry; they'll be competent when they're running your health care.


The attempts to redistribute wealth from rich countries to poor countries continue in Copenhagen (including Communist protesters!), with Al Gore refusing to answer any questions about ClimateGate by having a UN official disconnect the questioner's microphone.  Meanwhile, only 37% of Americans think that global warming should even be a priority of the federal government.  As for the science being ignored in Copenhagen, natural disasters are at their lowest point in a decade this year, even if you include the imminent eruption of a volcano in the Philippines that will emit tons of carbon, and a new study showed that the sun melted glaciers faster in the 1940s, not humans.  The European Foundation has a list of 100 reasons why global warming is natural.


Most Americans know that they earn less than the average government worker.  When are they going to do something to change that?


Guantanamo Bay detainees are going to be taken to a prison in Illinois.  Next thing you know they'll be released in Chicago.


Pathetic:  The President of the United States called insulation "sexy" at a Home Depot today.


Even though banks are receiving pressure from the Administration to lend more money, blaming the bankers for the economy won't accomplish anything even resembling recovery.  The Mistake's solutions for the economy are the same as the causes.  In Cleveland, lax lending standards by the city government are contributing to their foreclosure mess.


Inflation jumped last month, making some people fear the thought of stagflation.  This really is Jimmy Carter redux.


Dear Erin Andrews:  You're hot and all, but just because something bad happens to you doesn't mean there has to be a new law.


The New York Times is finally pointing out that it sucks to be unemployed.


Today is Bill of Rights Day.  Mourn the loss of your rights appropriately.


Senator Kent Conrad loves to talk about reducing the federal deficit until it comes to cutting his programs to do it.


A government school in Indiana removed "Allah is God" from its "holiday program" after conservative groups protested.  A government school student in Taunton, Massachusetts was suspended and forced to undergo a psychological evaluation after drawing Jesus.  Meanwhile, the federal government is using the birth of Jesus to encourage people to participate in the Census.


With Thursday's House GOP caucus election for Speaker of the House and other leadership positions, Rep. Clay Cox (R-Lilburn) wants to impose term limits on the leadership that is shorter than the duration that the corrupt former leaders served.


Congressman and candidate for Governor Nathan Deal is under an ethics investigation.  This could kill his campaign for Governor.


Georgia's new "Super Speeders" law goes into effect on January 1.  Despite what public officials will tell you, this has nothing to do with safety and everything to do with revenue generation.


Almost 200 convicted felons are suing the state because they have not been provided with state-appointed lawyers to handle their appeals.  They have a legitimate case; this is the kind of thing that the state should be doing.


The two Warner Robins Middle School students who were having oral sex in the classroom earlier this month took a plea deal yesterday.


The Houston County School Board's SPLOST revenues are over $4 million behind projections.  Watch out or they'll come after you to make that up.

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