Thursday, March 05, 2009

22 Georgia Lawmakers Haven't Paid Taxes

Over 8.3 million mortgages in the United States are underwater.


GM's auditors are raising the possibility of bankruptcy, saying that they doubt that the company can continue operations.


CAIR and another radical Islamist front group are placing ads on public transit buses urging people to convert to Islam.


A college student in Connecticut gave a class presentation on why law-abiding citizens should be able to carry their concealed weapons on places like college campuses.  His teacher called campus police on him.


At least one town says that it is receiving "stimulus" money that it doesn't want, doesn't need, and can't use.


The British are upset because they think that President Obama snubbed British Prime Minister Gordon Brown during his visit to Washington.  Obama's parting gift to Brown was 25 DVDs.


The vote on the cramdown bill is today.  It looks like the Blue Dogs will support it.


Obama worship has spread to Nickelodeon.


New York City is trying to build a wind farm.  The project is wrapped up in red tape because they are concerned about bats.  It doesn't matter; "renewable energy" will never replace oil.


The newest thing to blame for global warming:  burping worms.


Here is one person who personifies the real American mindset.


Check out some of the earmarks that Georgia will get in the omnibus spending bill.  If you want the full list, look through this database, courtesy of Taxpayers for Common Sense.


The number of state legislators who haven't paid their taxes is up to 22, and 3 of them actually have liens or are having their wages garnished.


The Sunday sales bill died in committee yesterday.  This is, and should be, a campaign issue for every Republican in a primary next year.  At least they showed up this time.


Speaker Glenn Richardson wants to be able to perform marriages.


The State House voted yesterday to require voters to prove their citizenship and not to double the homestead exemption for property owners.


The State Senate voted Tuesday to allow low-risk sex offenders to get off the sex offender registry.


Some hospitals say that they might close if state Medicaid payments are cut.  They need more paying customers.


Congressman Sanford Bishop might be in trouble over this stuff in the Muscogee County Junior Marshall's program.  He got the earmark for the program, his stepdaughter was paid as an administrative assistant even though she lives in Lithonia and works in Fulton County, and now we find out that money intended for Bishop's step-son-in-law actually went to Bishop's wife.

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