Monday, March 09, 2009

Obama "Too Tired" To Do His Job

The reason that President Obama skimped on giving a welcome to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was that he was "too tired" to do it right.  Man up, Barack.  By the way, how long will it be until the media stops accepting the incompetence being shown by the Obama administration?


Obama was asked by the New York Times whether he is a socialist.  He got defensive, and ultimately denied the charge.  Too bad he's been endorsed by, and associated with, socialists for his entire political career.  Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is inviting President Obama to get on the path to socialism (he's way ahead of you, Hugo!), and he called the United States a "murderous, genocidal empire."


Some Republicans are finally saying that it's time to let some banks fail, including possibly Citigroup, which Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) described as a "problem child".  They're also saying that the government should stop giving GM any money, which now House Minority Leader John Boehner says needs to have a restructuring plan before they get any more federal money.  Where was this during the campaign?


Iran is not only close to producing a nuclear weapon, they have also successfully tested a possible delivery system that could reach Israel if they wanted.  North Korea also appears to be working on a missile system.


Private sector jobs are on the decline, but the number of government jobs continues to increase.  Maybe that's why a new Rasmussen poll shows that over one-third of voters believe that you can't earn a living in the United States without government help.


Despite the fact that the American people and especially businesses have no faith in the Obama economy, Obama continues to say that the economic "crisis" is a time of "great opportunity."  Under Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, it's a great opportunity for government to grow.


Here's something the mainstream, uppity, navel-gazing media won't remember:  a majority of Democrats wanted President Bush to fail in August 2006.


Jeff Jacoby of the Boston Globe asks the same question I've been asking for a while:  Where's Global Warming?


Illegal immigrants could take up to 15% of the jobs that would allegedly be created by the Omnibus Democrat Agenda "stimulus" Bill.


Stupid government tricks:  a Minnesota state agency is offering "Islamic mortgages" so Muslims don't have to pay interest, Pennsylvania will spend over $173,000 to teach liquor store workers to be nice (is that stimulus?), and San Francisco will spend $122,575 for a "Healthy Penis" program.


Georgia is the biggest "loser" in the omnibus spending bill, receiving only $10 per capita in spending.


The Mexican drug cartels that have led the State Department and many colleges to warn tourists about traveling to Mexico have also invaded Atlanta.


Some bills to cut taxes in Georgia will be on the House floor this week without the original proposal to phase out the corporate income tax, as will a bill to revive the state sales tax on groceries.  A lot of bills will come up this week because Thursday is crossover day.


State tax revenues were down almost 35 percent last month, which many are blaming on the fact that people are rushing to file their taxes and get their refunds.


Here's another column attacking school vouchers.  These really are getting tiresome.


More details have come out on that asinine kindergarten "raise your hand" vote Thursday in the State Senate that would have required that state Senators pay their taxes.  It turns out that tax cheat and Minority Leader Robert Brown wanted to have a roll call vote, and Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle says that the bill shouldn't have been allowed to come to the floor for a vote at all.


My alma mater, Mercer University, now has a Distinguished Professor of Capitalism.


I had to post this quote that Stephen in Perry sent me:


"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom.  What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.  The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.  When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation.  You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."

-- Dr. Adrian Rogers

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