Monday, March 16, 2009

Outrage Over AIG Bonuses

AIG gave bonuses to many of their top executives over the weekend, which really got guys like Barney Frank and President Obama angry.  This is very easy to demagogue into a class warfare issue, so the Democrats will do that.  Obama is even trying to stop the bonuses from being paid.  The fault for this lies not with AIG, but with government; AIG was contractually obligated to give these bonuses.  The Administration is even concerned about a bailout backlash, as the American people get angry about their money being on the hook for companies that can't stay afloat on their own.  Some of the companies who were bailed out are starting to say that they regret taking the money due to the strings attached to the government money.


People are starting to worry that the Obama administration has a problem with incompetence.


A group of scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee say that the earth is just going through a natural climate shift as they try to figure out the natural forces that affect climate.  A columnist in Edmonton, Canada says that global warming is no longer happening, and a British Lord spoke before Congress against cap-and-trade saying that the right policy with regard to climate is to "have the courage to do nothing."  Of course, it is hard to make a real scientific case to the American people to stand up against the fear-mongering of the warmers considering that American adults don't even know basic science.


Ethanol might be in more trouble, so they're looking to government for another bailout.


Labor unions want the federal government to take control of private insurance plans.


The Obama administration is considering taxing employer-based health care plans.


Now that Obama owns this economy, he's saying that the economy is sound.  Reverse course on the fearmongering!


A woman who painted her car into a rolling tribute to President Obama isn't making the payments on the car.


Obama is going to have a big fundraiser next week.  If he actually gave a damn about the economy he'd take all the money raised and start a private charity.  He's also using his campaign army to drum up support for his big-government budget, and a bunch of far-left organizations are getting together to do the same thing.


Federal agents seized some shamrock seeds from people travelling from Ireland.  Apparently you need a permit to bring shamrock seeds into the United States.


Is Ayn Rand relevant?  Answer:  Yes.


According to a new study, old age begins at 27.


Rocket scientists can shoot down mosquitoes with lasers.  This sounds really cool.


A German company has introduced "Obama fingers."  They didn't realize it could be considered racist.


State Rep. Willie Talton has announced that he will pay his $30,800 in taxes due after the legislative session ends.


The Georgia Senate passed a law last week to fix some of the problems in identifying sex offenders.

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