Tuesday, March 17, 2009

More AIG Bait-and-Switch

President Obama's poll numbers continue to drop, as people figure out that he's a liberal.


The bait-and-switch over the AIG bonuses continues, as the Senate Finance Committee wants to tax those bonuses, at a rate between 60% and 100%.  Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley said that the AIG executives should commit suicide, and then changed his mind to say that they should repent.  Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe says that all of this is Washington's fault for bailing AIG out to begin with, which one analyst says is a waste of money.  Connecticut Democrat Chris Dodd, who had introduced an amendment to the "stimulus" bill to protect bonuses like these, is now trying to undo that policy.  The biggest problem, though, is the fact that the anger over these bonuses might hurt Obama's popularity.


The real systemic risk in the economy is Congress.


The CEO of General Motors says that bankruptcy would cause liquidation.  At this point, I say go for it.  Meanwhile, the CEO of Ford wants to raise gas prices again so they can sell more cars.


The American Legion is rightfully upset about Obama's plan to force wounded veterans to get their own private insurance to cover the bills for any combat injuries.


Many of the problems with earmarks come from the fact that government institutions are paying for lobbyists to get the earmarks for them.


Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas says that people expect too much from government.


Vice President Joe Biden says that Obama inherited an economy worse than what FDR inherited.


Remember when Obama promised that Caterpillar would cancel job cuts if the "stimulus" bill passed?  Well it passed, and Caterpillar is laying off more workers.  All of those projects funded by the "stimulus" programs are going to cost more money because of a rule requiring all workers to be paid union, not market, wages.  Only 9% of non-union workers want to join a union.


With the continued failing of the liberal newspaper industry, Nancy Pelosi is appealing to the Justice Department to help save the San Francisco Chronicle.  The Seattle Post-Intelligencer is going web-only as they go under.


Today's stupid politician of the day is Florida State Senator Larcenia Bullard, who confused the term "animal husbandry" with marrying animals.  I wish I was kidding.


State employees are being told to expect more furloughs and possibly layoffs in the next fiscal year.


The reserves in the health care fund for Georgia state employees and teachers could be wiped out next year through budget cuts.


Senator Saxby Chambliss has some "concerns" about the "stimulus" plan.  He says that we're spending too much money.

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