Monday, March 30, 2009

Obama's Auto Rescue Plan

A Tea Party in Cape Coral, Florida has been cancelled by the local government.  This is even more reason why we need to have Tea Parties.


As President Obama heads to London for the G20 summit, it looks like one thing they might not have a chance to discuss thanks to German Chancellor Angela Merkel:  a big-spending global New Deal.


The Obama Administration forced Rick Wagoner to step down as GM's Chairman and CEO over the weekend.  What gives Obama the authority to fire a private sector employee?  Apparently he wasn't happy with GM's proposed restructuring plan, so he is considering letting them fail, especially Chrysler.  The only people who would benefit would be—surprise!—the United Auto Workers.  Obama's plan for the two bailed-out automakers include having the federal government cover their warranties.


Here's a quote from Treasury Secretary and tax cheat Timothy Geithner that should make us all shake in our boots:  "The market will not solve this.  And the great risk for us is we do too little, not that we do too much."


Remember Obama's online town hall last week?  It turns out that the people in his town hall were campaign supporters.


Defense Secretary Robert Gates admits that the United States is not prepared to do anything to stop North Korea from launching a missile that can reach Hawaii.


Al Gore left his lights on during "Earth Hour."  There was no drop in use of electricity in New York or California.


Obama told bankers that bonuses are "not acceptable."  The CEO of Home Depot is going to waive his bonus for 2008.


Remember Obama's promise of "green jobs" in the "stimulus" package?  It turns out that Spain tried the same thing, and it destroyed jobs.


How are we supposed to work with Palestinians who punish little girls for playing music?


Obama says that he is going to fight for his paltry redistributionist "tax cuts."  While 63% of voters say that they think tax cuts help the economy, how many of them know what a tax cut really is?


A business development that was supposed to be built in Wisconsin will now be scrapped because they're scared about the card check bill.


Support for the Obama budget has been dropping, despite the campaign to get it passed.  Meanwhile, Republicans rolled out their own budget alternative and nobody knew what they were talking about.  This is a party that deserves to be in the wilderness.


There is now a Barack Obama Academy in Oakland, California.


PETA killed 95% of the adoptable pets in their care last year.


The Fox television network has ordered a new reality dating series for overweight people.


Despite the recession, lottery sales continue to rise.  It's still not enough because, due to increased student enrollment, HOPE is still going to spend more than the lottery can raise.


It looks like the General Assembly will pass a bill to require governments and companies that do business with government to screen employees through a federal database to make sure that they can work legally in the United States.


The state is considering cutting Medicaid payments to health care providers, which some say would be "devastating" to health care in the state.  Lord forbid you get paying customers.  The CEO at Grady Hospital in Atlanta is cutting employees, especially in inefficient places and where they don't have many paying customers, to try and return that hospital to solvency.

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