Friday, March 06, 2009

Obama's Nominees Dropping Like Flies

Treasury Secretary and tax cheat Timothy Geithner's pick to be his deputy has withdrawn from consideration.  Did she pay all of her taxes?  Geithner also went before the House Budget Committee to defend the Obama budget, which is based on deception and bait-and-switch, and criticize the Bush tax cuts.  I bet those tax cuts (and his tax evasions) were good for his personal economy.  Here's why Obama's tax hikes will end up hurting the middle class (who depend on those filthy, stinking, horrible, evil rich people for jobs), and why he is already hurting the stock market.


Barney Frank wants to find who is responsible for the financial crisis and throw them in jail.  Look in the mirror, Barney.  It was government, and even the New York Times called this in 1999 when your boyfriend at Fannie Mae was decreasing lending standards.


Twenty states have already introduced Tenth Amendment resolutions.  This is nice, but how many of them would actually take them seriously?  (Thanks to Darrell for the tip here)


Al Gore still refuses to debate the actual science behind the global warming thing.


Next in the bailout line, the FDIC will borrow $500 billion (that doesn't exist) from the Treasury Department.


It's not just Rahm Emanuel anymore:  now Hillary Clinton says to "never waste a good crisis."


Over 1 in every 10 Americans is now on food stamps.  Consider them permanent Democrat voters.


Cramdown passed the House yesterday.


If you like the idea of government-run health care, check out the death sentence they're giving cancer patients in Great Britain.  Here's a wonderful column on the dangers of government health care.


Pat Toomey will run against Arlen Specter again.


Republicans in the House tried to strip all earmarks out of the omnibus spending bill, along with enacting a spending freeze.  It failed on a mostly party-line vote.  On the Senate side, Republicans are showing some muscle, as they thwarted a cloture vote last night.


Homeless people in DC, thanks to government, have cell phones.


The "card check" bill, which Vice President Joe Biden supports, would cost the economy another 600,000 jobs in 2010 if it passes.


Nancy Pelosi supports the back-door effort to impose the Fairness Doctrine.


It looks like the battle over the Georgia Power bill will go for naught, since the Obama Administration is trying to kill nuclear power.


Members of the Georgia School Boards Association did a hatchet-job on the school vouchers bill, claiming that vouchers lack accountability.


The strippers tax passed the Senate Finance Committee yesterday.


The Macon Police Department had seminars for business owners on robbery prevention.  Nobody showed up for them.  I guess they were busy keeping their businesses from being robbed.


Here's the story on the members of the State House who haven't paid their taxes, and on the failed attempt at accountability on the part of State Senator Eric Johnson.

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