Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Obama's New Teleprompter

If you read just one thing today, make it this letter from a former AIG executive announcing his resignation.


President Obama had a press conference last night.  I didn't watch it and I haven't read the transcripts, but I have a pretty good idea he didn't say anything good about the private sector and that he spent a lot of time trying to push his budget.  I also know that he used a big flat-screen television instead of a traditional teleprompter.  He also used the words "invest" and "investment" 18 times.  Remember "investment" is liberal-speak for spending.


Insurance companies plan to stop charging people more for pre-existing conditions in exchange for the federal government requiring everybody to buy health insurance.  Here are 10 surprising facts about American health care.


House Democrats have cut $100,000,000,000 from the Obama budget proposal.  It's still $3,450,000,000,000.  The budget also won't include cap-and-trade, and may not have Obama's "tax cut" beyond next year.  Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell says that the budget would make the United States worse than Cuba.


The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic says that the United States' economic plans are a "road to hell."


Next up for a bailout from Congress:  the newspaper industry.


Arlen Specter says that he will oppose card check…at least until the economy turns around.


Another Treasury Department pick has decided not to take the job.


Obama wants to have a full review of the tax code aimed at streamlining the tax code, removing deductions, and raising more revenue.


The real disgrace in the whole AIG bonuses episode is the fact that Congress can have no regard for the rule of law or contracts.  One analyst says that the bonus confiscation bill would destroy a million jobs.


Congress will kill the bank rescue plan because of the possibility of somebody making a profit.


Republican strategist Alex Castellanos says that Obama will be a one-term President.  We just have to hope that he doesn't do too much damage in that one term.


Senate Democrats so far are holding on to campaign contributions from Bernard Madoff.


The Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats are trying to push devotion to the federal government in the name of "service."


Despite the Democrats' big spending, the economy is showing some signs of turning around.



The new kind of slang is called "Baracking."  This Messiah worship really is old.


Scientists have figured out that it takes 8.2 seconds for a man to fall in love.


Proof that the Second Amendment works:  a guy robbing a Burger King was shot dead by a customer with a legally concealed weapon.  We should be encouraging more of this.


Libertarian John Monds announced that he will run for Governor next year.  Monds was not only a highly successful candidate for Public Service Commission, he might pull some support from Democrats.


Democrats in the state House were able to kill the doubling of the homestead exemption.


The House Governmental Affairs Committee has amended the catch-the-tax-cheats bill to make it tougher.


The Senate passed a plan to give businesses an incentive to hire people off of unemployment and the "super-speeder" bill.

1 comment:

Shark Girl said...

I'm not surprised he wants to bail out the newspaper industry. He'll be able to hold the money over their heads and control them.

Notice his strategic plan? He's controlling the banks, insurance, food, housing, courts and health.

It isn't rocket science to figure out he's creating a new government and destroying the Constitution.

The Constitution stands in the way of a total dictatorship. When you control the major issues of a nation, you control the people.

What color are the uniforms going to be that Michelle Obama picks out for her slaves?

I will die free.