Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Affirmative Action Supreme Court Nominee

More information is constantly emerging about Obama's Supreme Court pick, Sonia Sotomayor.  On the appeals court level she has already gone one-up on the Kelo decision, and she has sided with fish over humans in the last two years, so she's not a fan of property rights and she will support environmentalists.  Apparently she isn't a remarkable judge, as even liberals are attacking her for lacking "intellectual depth."  Basically, she's the affirmative action nominee, just like Barack Obama is the affirmative action President.  Liberals attacked Miguel Estrada, another Hispanic who happens to be a conservative, in 2003 as an "affirmative action candidate."  There are, of course, plenty of questions to ask Sotomayor, which will come up in the Judiciary Committee hearings, but already there are allegations and defenses of "judicial activism," even though I don't think anybody knows what it really means.  I'll tell you today.


North Korea says that it will no longer abide by the armistice that ended the Korean War in 1953, as they continue to test fire missiles.  Russia is even preparing for the possibility of a nuclear conflict on the Korean peninsula.  The Obama Administration, on the other hand, is treating this as nothing but "bluster" and "nastiness."  It also doesn't help that the Obama Administration isn't even sure who's really in control in North Korea.  Don't you feel safe with this guy in office?


It looks like GM will end up in bankruptcy after all, but the government could end up with up to 69% ownership.  Meanwhile, in the continuing fight over Chrysler, it turns out that it was not the company's decision to cut dealerships (that means it was the Obama administration's decision), and that profitable dealerships might have been cut to benefit big Democrat donors.  There has been no transparency on how those decisions were made.


The latest idea to stop "global warming" is to force everybody to paint their roofs white.


Obama's newest czar is the "cyber czar," with authority to develop strategies to protect both government and private computer networks.


The explosion of the national debt threatens America, according to the Financial Times.  China has even warned the Federal Reserve to stop "printing money" to handle the debt, and on Capitol Hill Democrats are pushing for a Value Added Tax.  I'll explain what that is on the show today.


Democrats in California are upset that President Obama has not snapped his fingers and made everything better for them.


Some states are considering basing funding for government-run colleges and universities on graduation rates.  I have another idea just for Georgia:  Force a student who doesn't finish college to repay their HOPE grants.


A hospital administrator in Texas was forced to take down an American flag because others found it "offensive."


Roland Burris was caught on a wiretap offering Robert Blagojevich campaign cash for Rod Blagojevich in exchange for Obama's Senate seat.


Congressman Jim Marshall is defending the Obama administration's "tax cuts" in an attempt to marginalize the Tea Party movement.  Remember, the next one is coming up on June 30.

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