Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nancy Pelosi: CIA Lied To Me!

If you charge your iPod, you'll kill a polar bear.  So say environmentalists.


California wants a piece of the TARP money to help pay for their massive welfare state.  Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is even considering selling San Quentin prison and the Los Angeles Coliseum.


John Murtha's opponent for Congress last year said that Murtha's aide threatened him with redeployment to Iraq.


Nancy Pelosi is now accusing the CIA of "misleading" her and the rest of Congress on waterboarding.  She can no longer deny being briefed, so she has to attack the people who did brief her.  Karl Rove says that Pelosi was an "accomplice to torture," using the left's words against them.


Amateur hour at the White House continues, as Obama changes his mind on releasing photos of detainee "abuse."  He is also considering detaining Islamic terrorists indefinitely and without trial, only on American soil instead of at Guantanamo Bay.


Members of the Senate say that the United States needs to woo world tourists, and they want to spend tax dollars to do it.


Even the Associated Press says that the Obama Administration has been loose with the facts on the so-called "stimulus" package.


President Obama cut the deficit by $175 billion this year just by using dishonest accounting standards.


The anti-gun Brady folks want to use the DHS report on "rightwing extremism" to revive the so-called assault weapons ban.


Organized labor has become the most powerful force in government.


Chrysler is going to close 13 dealerships in Georgia, none of them in our listening area.  This is a big mistake because the dealers are the ones who make the profits for the company.  Government Motors, on the other hand, has political troubles because they want to import a lot of cars.


Obama gave the commencement address at Arizona State University last night, where he was not given an honorary degree.  He responded by joking about audits from the IRS.


Seventy percent of Americans with health insurance are pleased with it.  On the free market side of medicine, Pfizer will offer free drugs to unemployed people who lost their health insurance.


Archaeologists think they have found the oldest known sculpture of a human—a woman with really large breasts.


Johnny Isakson is supporting Charlie Crist for Senate in Florida over his conservative opponent.  Does nobody have the cajones to primary this guy?


Four of the six Republican candidates for Governor support the state sovereignty resolution that came up in the state Senate this session.

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