Friday, May 15, 2009

Bailing Out Life Insurance--Who's Next?

More dead people are getting "stimulus" checks from the Social Security Administration.


More bailouts:  this time it's big life insurance companies.  Why can't we just let companies go bankrupt anymore?


The federal government is pressuring Bank of America to change its board.


Big businesses are not pleased with Obama's rhetoric.  What did they expect?


The Obama Administration is working on a trade war with Canada.  Way to go, guys.


Thousands of Americans lose their jobs every time the federal minimum wage is raised.


President Obama exaggerated the cost cuts that health insurance companies promised.


While Democrats are trying to claim that the CIA broke the law in briefing members of Congress, the Obama Administration is refusing to release memos that detail the successes of enhanced interrogation techniques.


Richard Posner says that the conservative movement lacks intellectualism.


A new bill has been introduced to indoctrinate kids on environmentalism starting in Kindergarten.


Senator Dick Durbin has introduced an amendment to the credit card reform bill that would allow retailers to charge people less for paying with cash.  This actually makes perfect sense.


Attorney General Eric Holder says that the Obama administration will "do its best" not to release dangerous prisoners after it closes Guantanamo Bay.  They are also restarting military tribunals for the detainees there.


"Benedict" Arlen Specter is reconsidering his opposition to the card check bill.  As Michelle Malkin says, this is his final betrayal of the Republican Party.


President Obama's energy policy will be beholden to environmentalist extremists.  Here's another surprise:  the rise in sea level from ice melting in the Antarctic has been overstated.


An all-solar house that had its ribbon cutting seven months ago still isn't open to the public.


Despite the fact that 70% of people with health insurance rate their own coverage as either good or excellent, only 35% of Americans rate the nation's health care system the same way.  They just believe the lies from the media and the political class, especially about the uninsured.  Here is the truth about the people who have no health insurance.


The drug czar is calling for an end to the "war on drugs."


The drought in Georgia is almost gone.


The state is using federal welfare dollars to spend on other programs.

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