Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Here Comes Socialized Medicine

Washington State is giving a special tax break for newspapers.  Do you think any of the newspapers will be critical of state government there again?


Tax cheat Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has his eyes on nationalizing smaller banks next.  It's all part of making sure that the Obama administration can control how much the evil, nasty, horrible bank executives get paid.


The federal government has spent only 6% of the "stimulus" money.  This, again, is proof that this thing was never meant to truly stimulate the economy.


The House has promised that they will pass a health care reform bill by July 31, which will include, if House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer has his way, government-run health care.  It may be paid for with a tax on private sector health care and/or new taxes on the evil rich, alcohol, cigarettes, or sodas.


The federal government had its first budget deficit in April since 1983.


Steny Hoyer wants to investigate what Nancy Pelosi knew and when she knew it on the interrogation of Islamic terrorists in captivity.  Am I the only one who thinks this is a waste of time other than in the context of an investigation into alleged wrongdoings by the Bush administration?  What is not a waste of time is debating whether or not President Obama will release photos of detainee interrogations.


The Media Research Center did a study of the major networks' evening news broadcasts and found that they really have been cheerleading for the Obama administration.


President Obama cut Chrysler's advertising budget in half.  Chrysler may also cut over one-fourth of their dealers this week, if Obama lets them.  The Obama administration's behavior in the Chrysler bankruptcy is blatantly illegal under bankruptcy law.


Republican Governors Mark Sanford (SC) and Rick Perry (TX) will host a tele-town hall meeting tomorrow that they are calling "Tea Party 2.0."  This beats the "listening tour."


Obama's budget is so big and expands government so much, the Republicans can't figure out what to say about it.  Right now the biggest ideas they have are to rebrand the Democrats as the "Democrat Socialist Party" and to block a meaningless nominee of the President to try and make an irrelevant political point.  Their only tactic to stop the Democrats' policies is to add pro-gun but non-germane amendments to Democrats' bills.  I don't think the Republican Party could find water if they fell out of a boat at this point.


President Obama is actually asking for a tax cut for some rich people?  That will only last until the Democrats figure it out.


A new report shows that one-fourth of overseas ballots last year went uncounted.


The Massachusetts Transit Bay Authority will ban all of its drivers from even possessing cell phones while operating government vehicles.


A couple in Chicago have started a "buy black" movement to support black small businesses and entrepreneurship.  Good for them; they're using their power of choice as actors in a free market.


More black lawmakers are open to the idea of school vouchers.  They know that the best way to get inner-city children an education worth anything is to get them out of the government education monopoly.


College presidents have been given the power to furlough employees at their institutions.

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