Thursday, May 28, 2009

GM Bondholders Cave to Administration Demands

President Obama travelled to Las Vegas and Los Angeles the last two days, raising money for Harry Reid and the Democrat Party.  It will cost taxpayers at least $265,000 for just one leg of that trip.  The White House justified the trip by having some "official" remarks on solar energy while in Nevada.  While in Los Angeles Obama told attendees that "You ain't seen nothing yet."  Just wait until they socialize health care.


Obama Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor went to the left of the Ninth Circus Court of Appeals in a decision on the Second Amendment.  She has also ruled against a government school student who was forbidden from running for student government after making comments critical of school officials.  Abortion rights supporters are not convinced on Sotomayor yet, so she might even get a challenge from the left.  Meanwhile, the White House is doing rhetorical gymnastics in an attempt to defend Sotomayor's racist statement about a Latina woman making better decisions than a white man.  They are also warning opponents to be "careful" in opposing Sotomayor, and it looks like Republican Senators might back off of opposing her.  Already 87% of Americans believe that she will be confirmed, including me.


Clown Prince Vice President Joe Biden is the latest person to make a joke about Barack's Teleprompter.


GM bondholders have been "encouraged" to accept the latest bankruptcy deal that will leave the federal government in control of 72.5% of the company.  Meanwhile, a plurality of Michiganders believes that the Obama administration has harmed the domestic auto industry.  Meanwhile, more evidence continues to surface that the list of cut Chrysler dealers was politically motivated.


Nancy Pelosi went to China to talk about "global warming."  She says that "every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory."  If only the Chi-Coms would just keep her there…


The Obama administration is not inviting the Queen of England, who actually served in World War II, to D-Day festivities.


A CNBC reporter was reprimanded by the Saudi Oil Minister for calling OPEC a "cartel."  Meanwhile, the cartel is pushing oil prices above $65 per barrel.


Only 37% of Americans believe that the country is headed in the right direction.


Congressman and candidate for Governor Nathan Deal says that his introduction of the birthright citizenship bill has nothing to do with political timing for his run for Governor.  The bill itself has nothing to do with his run for Governor, so I believe him.

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