Monday, May 11, 2009

Oxendine's Illegal Campaign Contributions

I always love it when John Stossel has a 20/20 special like he did last week.  You can watch the whole show right here.


This year's budget deficit will be over $1.8 trillion, or 50 cents out of every dollar spent.  Of course, according to the Obama administration this is Bush's fault.  Obama's budget will include an increase in funding to fight a completely preventable disease.


The White House does not think there will be any job growth for the rest of the year, but they expect double the economic growth that private forecasters expect by the end of the year.


Three banks are going to try to pay back their portion of the TARP funds after getting clean bills of health from the questionable bank stress tests last week.  The White House wants the Federal Reserve to be the regulator of the entire banking sector.


Health insurance companies are pledging a $2 trillion reduction in the cost of health care as long as the federal government requires people to get insurance.  The Republicans are in a very difficult situation, because compromise means going along with socialized medicine.  The Obama administration is already working on their next tax hike to pay for their socialized medicine schemes.


Despite some Republicans being glad that Arlen Specter left their party, they are still recruiting candidates who are at least as liberal as Specter.  One example is Florida Governor Charlie Crist, who will announce tomorrow that he is running for Senate.


It is looking more likely that Government Motors will declare bankruptcy.  The United Auto Workers is trying to push the Obama administration to prevent GM from cutting their workers in favor of less expensive labor outside the United States.


Former Vice President Dick Cheney says that Obama is endangering the United States.  He's right.


The Arctic Ice Cap is twice as thick as the environmentalists thought it was.  That's global warming, right?


Hugo Chavez is using the Venezuelan military to seize oil and gasoline service companies.


Fannie Mae is coming back to the federal trough after posting a $23 billion loss in the first quarter.


Obama's rich supporters are just now figuring out that he wants to punish them.  Clearly they're not that bright.


The military forced the destruction of Bibles in local Afghan languages to prevent proselytizing.


Here's what President Obama means when he says he wants a "pragmatic" Supreme Court Justice.


Governor Perdue may veto the tax-cut package that passed the General Assembly.


John "the Fascist" Oxendine received over $120,000 from two insurance companies funneled through 10 different PACs in Alabama.  His opponents for the Governor's Mansion have already raised concerns over the issue.  When the AJC published their story, Oxendine's campaign manager responded by saying that the story is just proof that Oxendine is the front-runner for the Governor, and today he agreed to return those contributions.  This controversy came up just two days after Oxendine told his supporters via e-mail to prepare for "lies, rumors, and more lies."  Any of you who are even considering supporting Oxendine should read this series on John Oxendine and liberty.

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