Tuesday, March 31, 2009

GM, Chrysler Could Get Bankruptcy

There is a new government website up to help people cope with depression related to the economy.  Mommy government is trying to coddle you.


Even though it's still snowing in Fargo, North Dakota, President Obama is blaming the flooding there on global warming to try to push his cap-and trade system, which isn't even as bad as what House Democrats are proposing.


There is a new bill in the House to let government control the pay of every employee of a company that has received any bailout money.


Quote of the day from Congressman John Murtha:  "If I'm corrupt, it's because I take care of my district."


GM and Chrysler might get bankruptcy after all.  I have to say, I'm impressed with the Obama Administration's handling of this so far.  After all, isn't this why Chapter 11 exists?


In October the New York Times killed a story that would have linked ACORN and the Obama campaign.  They were too busy trying to get him elected to risk him losing.


Clown Prince Joe Biden thanked the Spanish Prime Minister for Spain's help in Iraq, only Spain pulled out of Iraq in 2004.


Here's a list of 10 terms not to use with Muslims.


The recession is helping to speed up the deterioration of the Social Security trust fund (which doesn't exist).


Democrats are trying to close the "tax gap," the difference between taxes owed and taxes paid.  Couldn't they just name people who aren't paying their taxes to the Obama Administration?


It looks like it won't be safe to die next year after all.


Microsoft got a piece of pork in the "stimulus" bill.  What was that about there not being any pork in the bill?


South Carolina has their own battle over school choice, with a black Democrat trying to get better educational opportunities for his constituents and Democrats and other anti-school choice advocates trying to demonize him.  It's all about control, folks.


KFC is offering to fix potholes across the country in exchange for an advertisement on the road.  The City of Chicago doesn't want the competition.


A guy in Ohio was arrested for DUI for driving a bar stool.


The state Senate Appropriations Committee passed an $18,600,000,000 budget for next fiscal year yesterday.


The Senate started to debate Sunday alcohol sales yesterday.  It was, of course, killed.


With Southern states preparing for the 150th anniversary of the War Between the States, leave it up to a northern newspaper to send a reporter to find a quote from a black Georgia lawmaker with a racial chip on his shoulder.


Here's an op-ed in the AJC from the sponsor of the no-birthday-tax bill.


Macon residents are going to gun safety classes to learn how to defend themselves.  I think everybody should take those classes, no matter where they live.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Obama's Auto Rescue Plan

A Tea Party in Cape Coral, Florida has been cancelled by the local government.  This is even more reason why we need to have Tea Parties.


As President Obama heads to London for the G20 summit, it looks like one thing they might not have a chance to discuss thanks to German Chancellor Angela Merkel:  a big-spending global New Deal.


The Obama Administration forced Rick Wagoner to step down as GM's Chairman and CEO over the weekend.  What gives Obama the authority to fire a private sector employee?  Apparently he wasn't happy with GM's proposed restructuring plan, so he is considering letting them fail, especially Chrysler.  The only people who would benefit would be—surprise!—the United Auto Workers.  Obama's plan for the two bailed-out automakers include having the federal government cover their warranties.


Here's a quote from Treasury Secretary and tax cheat Timothy Geithner that should make us all shake in our boots:  "The market will not solve this.  And the great risk for us is we do too little, not that we do too much."


Remember Obama's online town hall last week?  It turns out that the people in his town hall were campaign supporters.


Defense Secretary Robert Gates admits that the United States is not prepared to do anything to stop North Korea from launching a missile that can reach Hawaii.


Al Gore left his lights on during "Earth Hour."  There was no drop in use of electricity in New York or California.


Obama told bankers that bonuses are "not acceptable."  The CEO of Home Depot is going to waive his bonus for 2008.


Remember Obama's promise of "green jobs" in the "stimulus" package?  It turns out that Spain tried the same thing, and it destroyed jobs.


How are we supposed to work with Palestinians who punish little girls for playing music?


Obama says that he is going to fight for his paltry redistributionist "tax cuts."  While 63% of voters say that they think tax cuts help the economy, how many of them know what a tax cut really is?


A business development that was supposed to be built in Wisconsin will now be scrapped because they're scared about the card check bill.


Support for the Obama budget has been dropping, despite the campaign to get it passed.  Meanwhile, Republicans rolled out their own budget alternative and nobody knew what they were talking about.  This is a party that deserves to be in the wilderness.


There is now a Barack Obama Academy in Oakland, California.


PETA killed 95% of the adoptable pets in their care last year.


The Fox television network has ordered a new reality dating series for overweight people.


Despite the recession, lottery sales continue to rise.  It's still not enough because, due to increased student enrollment, HOPE is still going to spend more than the lottery can raise.


It looks like the General Assembly will pass a bill to require governments and companies that do business with government to screen employees through a federal database to make sure that they can work legally in the United States.


The state is considering cutting Medicaid payments to health care providers, which some say would be "devastating" to health care in the state.  Lord forbid you get paying customers.  The CEO at Grady Hospital in Atlanta is cutting employees, especially in inefficient places and where they don't have many paying customers, to try and return that hospital to solvency.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Beware Government Health Care

A new poll shows that 66% of voters think that President Obama will raise taxes on people earning less than $250,000 per year.  The other 34% are delusional.


Guantanamo inmates may be released in the United States to live on our tax dollars.  Doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?


The top Republican on the House budget committee can't figure out which way he stands on the AIG bonus tax.  If this is the leadership Republicans have, then they deserve to be in the wilderness.


Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in the House will include a government-run option in their health care plan.  Courtesy of Mitt Romney and Massachusetts, here's a preview of what would happen under national health care.  Socialized medicine in Canada might also be to blame for the death of actress Natasha Richardson.


Despite the fact that General Electric got a bailout, some General Electric employees who have received recent pay raises have been attacking AIG for those bonuses.  Let's be consistent, shall we?


Thanks to the wealth envy around the world, Swiss banks have forbidden their top executives from leaving Switzerland.


Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) says that the United States couldn't even join the European Union due to our levels of debt.


A UN "climate change" plan would be nothing but a massive global redistribution of wealth.  After all, that's the only reason for the "global warming" scare.  Meanwhile, President Obama wants to raise fuel efficiency standards again.


Your tax dollars through the "stimulus" bill will go to build suicide-prevention fences.  Your money also went to figure out how many people fall because of their pets every year.


Obama unveiled his new strategy for a surge in Afghanistan.  Meanwhile, peace-at-any-price activists have shown themselves to really just be liberals.  Are we surprised?


Hezbollah has been using Mexican drug routes to get into the United States.


Get ready for higher gas prices, as oil supplies drop.  They forgot about the weak dollar.


Karen Handel has officially filed her paperwork to run for Governor.


Bill Ferguson isn't a fan of the tea parties.


Houston County has 7 gangs with 152 members.  They're spreading, like a cancer, from Macon.


The Senate Finance Committee unanimously supported the move to eliminate the "birthday tax."


The Senate passed a tax credit for homebuyers yesterday.


Here is some of the other stuff that happened yesterday, including some changes to the bingo legislation (isn't it nice to know they're working so hard?).

Thursday, March 26, 2009

State House and Senate Can't Agree on Transportation

You have to watch this speech from a Conservative Party member of the British Parliament regarding government spending.  If only an American politician would give this speech.


With all of the problems facing the United States, what is the Senate worried about?  How college football picks their champion.


Even though card check appears to be dead (for now), FedEx is still threatening to cancel a $3.75 billion purchase of Boeing airplanes if Congress makes it easier for their employees to unionize.  They just can't deal with the expense of having all-union labor.  Investor's Business Daily writes about the harmful effects of unions on the state of California.  Thanks to the UAW (and the entitlement mentality of their employees) GM is having trouble getting rid of employees they no longer need.


The New York Medicaid program paid for teeth cleaning for toothless patients.


Even the New York Times is reporting on President Obama's reliance on Teleprompters.


Now the Associated Press is telling us that any jobs from the "stimulus" plan won't be able to be measured.  We were talking about this almost 2 months ago; why didn't they come around then?


The Obama Administration is no longer using the term "Global War on Terror."  Instead, it's an "Overseas Contingency Operation."


Obama is already failing on foreign policy, and even the mainstream, uppity, navel-gazing media is starting to turn on him.


Republicans are trying to figure out whether they should work with the Blue Dogs to battle Obama's big-spending budget.  They just can't figure out which matters more, what Blue Dogs say or what they do.


A "debt bomb" hit Wall Street yesterday, wiping out early gains before a rally.  This is bad if we're going to continue to spend our way into more debt.


Environmentalists, led by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) are getting in the way of solar panels and wind turbines.  This might not be such a bad thing, considering the solar panels installed in Denver for last year's DNC won't pay for themselves until 2118.  Also in California, a state bureaucracy is looking at banning black cars because of "global warming."


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says that the United States is partly to blame for the drug violence in Mexico.  She's right, and it has nothing to do with not having a ban on assault weapons.


Hillary might need to worry more about what North Korea is doing these days before we end up at war with them.


In one of the signs of coming socialism, more young people are trying to get government jobs.


In an ironic twist, the IRS (now run by tax cheat Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner) is offering a deal to tax evaders.


Yesterday the Senate passed a Soviet-style "service" bill.  Chambliss and Isakson both voted for it.


Read some of the threats to AIG executives.  Warning:  implied filthy language.


What took so long for this?  At least eight states are proposing legislation requiring recipients of government assistance to take drug tests.  This should have been a no-brainer 40 years ago, but instead our tax dollars are actually buying drugs for some people.


George Soros made $1.1 billion last year, saying that he is "having a very good crisis."  If the left is going to make a show about greed, it should be this guy.


Obama's half-brother might have cholera, and his aunt might be deported.  Time to start spreading your own wealth, Barry.


The state House and Senate can't seem to work together on a transportation plan.  Right now the House is proposing making the Senate plan a backup if the House plan fails in referendum.  The Senate doesn't like that idea.


Houston Healthcare is now going to be a voting member of Vision 2020.


Only in Macon:  a guy was stabbed over a waffle.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Obama's New Teleprompter

If you read just one thing today, make it this letter from a former AIG executive announcing his resignation.


President Obama had a press conference last night.  I didn't watch it and I haven't read the transcripts, but I have a pretty good idea he didn't say anything good about the private sector and that he spent a lot of time trying to push his budget.  I also know that he used a big flat-screen television instead of a traditional teleprompter.  He also used the words "invest" and "investment" 18 times.  Remember "investment" is liberal-speak for spending.


Insurance companies plan to stop charging people more for pre-existing conditions in exchange for the federal government requiring everybody to buy health insurance.  Here are 10 surprising facts about American health care.


House Democrats have cut $100,000,000,000 from the Obama budget proposal.  It's still $3,450,000,000,000.  The budget also won't include cap-and-trade, and may not have Obama's "tax cut" beyond next year.  Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell says that the budget would make the United States worse than Cuba.


The Prime Minister of the Czech Republic says that the United States' economic plans are a "road to hell."


Next up for a bailout from Congress:  the newspaper industry.


Arlen Specter says that he will oppose card check…at least until the economy turns around.


Another Treasury Department pick has decided not to take the job.


Obama wants to have a full review of the tax code aimed at streamlining the tax code, removing deductions, and raising more revenue.


The real disgrace in the whole AIG bonuses episode is the fact that Congress can have no regard for the rule of law or contracts.  One analyst says that the bonus confiscation bill would destroy a million jobs.


Congress will kill the bank rescue plan because of the possibility of somebody making a profit.


Republican strategist Alex Castellanos says that Obama will be a one-term President.  We just have to hope that he doesn't do too much damage in that one term.


Senate Democrats so far are holding on to campaign contributions from Bernard Madoff.


The Obama Administration and Congressional Democrats are trying to push devotion to the federal government in the name of "service."


Despite the Democrats' big spending, the economy is showing some signs of turning around.



The new kind of slang is called "Baracking."  This Messiah worship really is old.


Scientists have figured out that it takes 8.2 seconds for a man to fall in love.


Proof that the Second Amendment works:  a guy robbing a Burger King was shot dead by a customer with a legally concealed weapon.  We should be encouraging more of this.


Libertarian John Monds announced that he will run for Governor next year.  Monds was not only a highly successful candidate for Public Service Commission, he might pull some support from Democrats.


Democrats in the state House were able to kill the doubling of the homestead exemption.


The House Governmental Affairs Committee has amended the catch-the-tax-cheats bill to make it tougher.


The Senate passed a plan to give businesses an incentive to hire people off of unemployment and the "super-speeder" bill.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Link From Glenn's Call Today

Here is the link that I found as a result of Glenn's call today about President Obama's Presidential Determination that would allow supporters of Hamas to come into the United States and live on our tax dollars.

Socialism vs. Fascism, Defined

President Obama wants to give tax cheat Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner more power to seize financial companies.  They may start with just financial companies, but nothing would stop them from expanding it to other companies.  Obama is pushing Congress to give him this authority quickly.


According to George Will, the real toxic assets are the ones we elected.


Obama's job approval has dropped to about 50% according to a new Zogby poll.


Even in the tragedy of a plane crash, the Associated Press could not help but play the class warfare card.


Another Democrat in Washington has tax problems.  This is getting old.


It looks like the Senate will kill the House bill to put a punitive tax on the AIG bonuses.  Unfortunately, the intimidation from the left has led to many of those executives refusing the bonuses.  Just to make matters more intriguing, how about the fact that Chris Dodd's wife used to work for an AIG subsidiary?


Don't let the class warfare engines get wound down too quickly; not only are the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives still going to get bonuses, but JP Morgan Chase, a company that was forced to take bailout money, is going to buy new corporate jets and a luxury hangar for them.


Just like Russia did last week, now China is calling for the world to use a new reserve currency other than the dollar.  In response, President Obama has written a global editorial begging for confidence in his abilities.  With China feeling a bit uneasy about their investment in American debt, at least one columnist thinks China believes the United States is too big to fail.


Even the French are telling the United States to stop spending so much.


Remember the misspelled "Reset" button that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave the Russians?  It turns out that the whole thing was handled by a political ally of Hillary, not by any real experts.  Obama also might not know who the President of France is.  Incompetence runs amok in this administration.


According to the Heritage Foundation, Obama's "stimulus" bill has already spread the wealth around.


The best way to stop drug violence in Mexico (and on inner-city streets) is to legalize drugs.  Instead, the Obama Administration is going to spend $700 million to keep the violence from entering the United States while ignoring illegal aliens.


The guy who will be in charge of the federal housing commission is a former Freddie Mac executive.


This weekend is "Earth Hour," when the greenies turn off their lights and bask in their own self-righteousness.  Instead, I plan on celebrating Human Achievement Hour, when I celebrate all that humans have achieved to give us things like technology and the internet.


The state legislature still can't find a compromise on the two T-SPLOST plans.


A Georgia House subcommittee voted down a measure to require the use of seat belts in pickup trucks.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Obama To Use AIG Bonuses To Limit Executive Pay

President Obama is getting a little Big Brother when it comes to pushing his agenda.


A bunch of global warming explorers were able to be saved from extreme cold in the Arctic.  Do you think their experience will make them change their minds about their religious choice?


Tax cheat Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner announced the details of the toxic asset plan that could cost $1,000,000,000,000.  They plan on including the private sector, but nobody in the private sector seems to want to get involved.


The plan to tax the AIG bonuses is receiving criticism from some of the big banks, as some of them call it a "witch-hunt."  Unfortunately, Washington is not backing off, with the Obama administration looking to limit executive pay by any means necessary and a Democrat Senator saying that any AIG executive who doesn't return their bonus should be fired.  Protestors visited some of the executives' homes, and check out their wealth envy.  Unfortunately, some legal scholars say that the courts are unlikely to repeal that unconstitutional tax law.


While we're talking about wealth envy, check out the playground that the Obama girls are going to have to play on.


At least Barney Frank is being consistent by wanting the bonuses from Fannie and Freddie stopped as well.  It doesn't mean he's right.


With what is essentially an income cap of $250,000, some executives are pointing out that they have no incentive to work.  This is what some would call "going Galt."

Resistance is building to the Obama big-government ideas and plans.  This is why we're having the Middle Georgia Tax Day Tea Party on April 15th.


Here's a warning that politicians would be wise to heed:  Soon there may be nobody left to lend to America.


Some retailers are floating a compromise on card check that would just require more workers to be intimidated before a workplace is unionized.  Labor unions are not interested in compromise.


Here is some brilliant analysis of what would really happen under Obama's cap-and-trade system.  Fortunately, it looks like for now Democrats in Congress have chosen to go with health care reform instead of cap-and-trade.


One Democrat Congressman says that the offshore oil drilling ban will be restored "by any means necessary."  Say hello to $4 gas again.


Parade Magazine yesterday named the world's ten worst dictators, with Zimbabwe tyrant Robert Mugabe on top of the list.  Parade ignored the fact that the Carter Administration helped the guy get elected.


GM and Chrysler may need much more than what they've estimated in federal bailout money.


Spending $787 billion on a "stimulus" plan is fine, but when it comes to using tax dollars to buy condoms, the federal government would rather get the cheap ones from China than the ones made in America.


New Jersey has backed off of their proposed ban on "Brazilian" waxing.


In the slow economy, more women are turning to strip clubs to make a living.


The state House is considering changes to laws pertaining to sex offenders.  They can start by using a common-sense definition for sex offenders.


Senate leaders are reconsidering the idea of eliminating corporate income taxes after the House killed the idea earlier this month.


One state legislator has introduced a bill that would benefit his own industry.


The Macon Telegraph agrees with me that the Senate's plan to fund transportation is better than the House's plan.  This is especially true considering that the House's bill includes projects meant for campaign donors to the Chairman of the House Transportation Committee.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama's Budget: $9,300,000,000,000 In New Debt

Thanks to the mob rule mentality being pushed by President Obama and the Democrats, AIG executives are being threatened at their homes, as left-wing class warfare groups are taking "field trips" to their homes.  The federal government knew about these bonuses weeks ago, and even proposed limiting those bonuses on November 5, but they still chose to do nothing.  Even government stooges Fannie Mae, whose bonuses are affected by the confiscatory tax imposed by the House yesterday, said that limiting bonuses could harm their ability to help the housing market recovery.


AIG, in a really stupid move, is actually suing the federal government for the return of $306,000,000 in taxes paid.


Obama is going to spend $2,400,000,000 for electric vehicles at the same time that sales of hybrid cars are in the tank.  He's also going to bail out the auto parts suppliers for $5,000,000,000.


Obama's budget is going to create $9,300,000,000,000 in new debt over the next decade.


Despite the fact that immigration raids are Un-American according to Nancy Pelosi, wages actually rise after immigration raids.


I'm sorry, but I'm really not upset at all over Obama's Special Olympics joke on Leno.


Labor unions have a new message:  Unionize or Die.


The Blue Dogs might be showing some teeth, asking for some cuts to Obama's budget.


Remember those DVDs that Obama gave British Prime Minister Gordon Brown?  They don't work in Brown's DVD player.


The Obama Administration isn't using the word "terrorism" anymore.  The new term is "man-caused" disaster.


A bill to separate Social Security from Medicare has been introduced in the House.  Don't count on this happening in this Congress.


Here's a question to ponder:  Is this the end of America?


Proof that the private sector can work, if tried:  Nestle sent inspectors to the PCA plants in Georgia and Texas, and after seeing conditions there they decided not to do business with PCA.


Since it's Anything Goes Friday, how about this piece of work who was elected to Congress?


A strip club in Rhode Island is hosting a job fair.


Georgia lawmakers might have to come back for a special session if revenue levels continue to drop.


The State Senate sent the student physical fitness bill to the Governor yesterday.  It's all show; government can't make anybody healthier.


The Senate also sent the Governor a bill to give tax credits for businesses who contribute to scholarship programs to send kids to private schools.


Republican members of the House defeated a resolution meant to honor Obama.  It was then brought back up, and sent to committee, which prompted the Legislative Black Caucus to walk out.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

House Trying to Tax AIG Bonuses

President Obama signed a $500,000 book deal just five days before taking office.  I wonder if he's going to criticize himself for taking the big money?


The United Nations wants to pour $750,000,000,000 into a "Green New Deal" to protect us from "global warming."  Wait, sorry, it's really about redistributing wealth.  Global warming alarmist James Hansen is complaining that the "democratic process isn't working" with regard to "global warming."  Mob rule only works when the mob is on your side.


A UN panel says that the world should get rid of the dollar as its reserve currency.  They're worried about inflation, considering that the Fed is spending another $1,000,000,000,000 that doesn't exist.


Bailed-out Bank of America is actually paying for people to see a movie.


Some of the companies that have received bailouts owe back taxes.  Why should it matter for them if it didn't matter for the guy who's in charge of the IRS?


The House is working on a bill to slap a 90% tax on the AIG bonuses, which is just asking for a challenge in court.  This is ultimately going to harm the economy, and AIG.  House Republicans tried to bring up a bill yesterday to try to get the AIG money back, and Democrats opposed it.  It's all about power, and it's all about deflecting attention from the Democrats' failures, and it's working, since 76% of Americans think that the execs should be forced to give the money back.


Obama has backed off his plan to make veterans pay for their own healthcare.


Democrats are trying to expand the Community Reinvestment Act to apply to credit unions.  If this works, they'll be the next ones looking for a bailout.


The Colorado State House joined this asinine and unconstitutional movement to elect the President by popular vote.


Obama might use a parliamentary tactic to railroad his socialized medicine and cap-and-trade plans through Congress by taking out any chance for the opposition to be heard.


Obama is going to bring back amnesty this summer.  It'll happen this time, folks.  After all, Nancy Pelosi says that work site raids to enforce immigration law are un-American.


Guantanamo Bay detainees may be released in the United States.  Remember this if another Islamic terrorist attack happens.


Even in Great Britain there are some opinion writers begging for the market to take over health care again.


Here are some more details on the Blair Holt Gun Law that we've discussed on the show a few times.  I still don't think it'll go anywhere.


New Jersey is considering a ban on "Brazilian" bikini waxes.


The Governor's Office of Consumer Affairs has fined 30 more gas stations for "price gouging" after last fall's hurricanes.


Governor Perdue is warning about a big shortfall in Medicaid funding.  There are just too many people who think that they have a right to health care on your dime.


A day late and a dollar short, the Governor is about to sign a food safety bill that would make it a felony for a company to not report any test showing a food-borne disease to the state.


Your tax dollars are still going to pay for the Halls of Fame.


Idiots started shooting yesterday at the Watson Boulevard Wal-Mart.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More AIG Bait-and-Switch Today

Here is more on President Obama's new medical plan for veterans.  We will get to this today.


Obama screwed up a speech yesterday by thanking himself when his teleprompter malfunctioned.  The guy is lost without a teleprompter.


The economy may be turning around, no thanks to the policies of the Obama administration.


The AIG bait-and-switch drama continues, as the government-appointed AIG CEO went to apologize to Congress for the bonuses.  Meanwhile, AIG staffers are actually defending their bonuses, saying that they deserve the money.  A lot of the fake outrage is over the executives who quit after earning their bonuses, but the point is that they earned them according to their contracts.  The Obama Administration, which claims that they didn't find out about the bonuses until this month, also had the teleprompter tell the empty suit that he doesn't want to "quell anger," but instead to "channel our anger in a constructive way."  Channeling it means using it to destroy capitalism.  We may get at least one good thing from this, though; Timothy Geithner might soon be out at Treasury Secretary.


While the fake outrage over the AIG bonuses is circulating, lost in the muck is the fact that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives are also getting bonuses, and the Obama Administration is giving a Treasury Department job to the guy at Citigroup who drove that company into the ground.


Check out the class warfare language coming from people over these bonuses.


Thanks to the last eight years and even before that, there is no reason to take the Republican Party seriously when they talk about smaller government.  Remember, President Bush increased government spending by almost half in his second term alone, and the national debt hit $11 trillion Monday.


The Republicans were bad, but not this bad.  Obama's health care plan will probably end up costing $1,500,000,000,000 over the next decade, and his cap-and-trade program could cost $2,000,000,000,000, including a $144 billion burden on American families.


ACORN could be involved in the 2010 Census.


President Obama could be threatening the air superiority of the United States Air Force if he scraps the F-22 program.


Here's something else from the Obama administration I can agree with:  The United States signed a declaration calling for the decriminalization of homosexuality.


Forty percent of all babies born in 2007 were born out of wedlock.  That means that you are their baby-daddy.


Georgia government school teachers may be looking at furloughs next year as a part of the budget crunch, which should prevent layoffs.  Another casualty could be the amount of money that the state sends to hospitals for Medicare reimbursement.  Without paying customers, you have to crawl to government.


The state House is also looking to cut half of the money for the State Ethics Commission.  Read into this what you wish.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

More AIG Bait-and-Switch

President Obama's poll numbers continue to drop, as people figure out that he's a liberal.


The bait-and-switch over the AIG bonuses continues, as the Senate Finance Committee wants to tax those bonuses, at a rate between 60% and 100%.  Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley said that the AIG executives should commit suicide, and then changed his mind to say that they should repent.  Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe says that all of this is Washington's fault for bailing AIG out to begin with, which one analyst says is a waste of money.  Connecticut Democrat Chris Dodd, who had introduced an amendment to the "stimulus" bill to protect bonuses like these, is now trying to undo that policy.  The biggest problem, though, is the fact that the anger over these bonuses might hurt Obama's popularity.


The real systemic risk in the economy is Congress.


The CEO of General Motors says that bankruptcy would cause liquidation.  At this point, I say go for it.  Meanwhile, the CEO of Ford wants to raise gas prices again so they can sell more cars.


The American Legion is rightfully upset about Obama's plan to force wounded veterans to get their own private insurance to cover the bills for any combat injuries.


Many of the problems with earmarks come from the fact that government institutions are paying for lobbyists to get the earmarks for them.


Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas says that people expect too much from government.


Vice President Joe Biden says that Obama inherited an economy worse than what FDR inherited.


Remember when Obama promised that Caterpillar would cancel job cuts if the "stimulus" bill passed?  Well it passed, and Caterpillar is laying off more workers.  All of those projects funded by the "stimulus" programs are going to cost more money because of a rule requiring all workers to be paid union, not market, wages.  Only 9% of non-union workers want to join a union.


With the continued failing of the liberal newspaper industry, Nancy Pelosi is appealing to the Justice Department to help save the San Francisco Chronicle.  The Seattle Post-Intelligencer is going web-only as they go under.


Today's stupid politician of the day is Florida State Senator Larcenia Bullard, who confused the term "animal husbandry" with marrying animals.  I wish I was kidding.


State employees are being told to expect more furloughs and possibly layoffs in the next fiscal year.


The reserves in the health care fund for Georgia state employees and teachers could be wiped out next year through budget cuts.


Senator Saxby Chambliss has some "concerns" about the "stimulus" plan.  He says that we're spending too much money.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Outrage Over AIG Bonuses

AIG gave bonuses to many of their top executives over the weekend, which really got guys like Barney Frank and President Obama angry.  This is very easy to demagogue into a class warfare issue, so the Democrats will do that.  Obama is even trying to stop the bonuses from being paid.  The fault for this lies not with AIG, but with government; AIG was contractually obligated to give these bonuses.  The Administration is even concerned about a bailout backlash, as the American people get angry about their money being on the hook for companies that can't stay afloat on their own.  Some of the companies who were bailed out are starting to say that they regret taking the money due to the strings attached to the government money.


People are starting to worry that the Obama administration has a problem with incompetence.


A group of scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee say that the earth is just going through a natural climate shift as they try to figure out the natural forces that affect climate.  A columnist in Edmonton, Canada says that global warming is no longer happening, and a British Lord spoke before Congress against cap-and-trade saying that the right policy with regard to climate is to "have the courage to do nothing."  Of course, it is hard to make a real scientific case to the American people to stand up against the fear-mongering of the warmers considering that American adults don't even know basic science.


Ethanol might be in more trouble, so they're looking to government for another bailout.


Labor unions want the federal government to take control of private insurance plans.


The Obama administration is considering taxing employer-based health care plans.


Now that Obama owns this economy, he's saying that the economy is sound.  Reverse course on the fearmongering!


A woman who painted her car into a rolling tribute to President Obama isn't making the payments on the car.


Obama is going to have a big fundraiser next week.  If he actually gave a damn about the economy he'd take all the money raised and start a private charity.  He's also using his campaign army to drum up support for his big-government budget, and a bunch of far-left organizations are getting together to do the same thing.


Federal agents seized some shamrock seeds from people travelling from Ireland.  Apparently you need a permit to bring shamrock seeds into the United States.


Is Ayn Rand relevant?  Answer:  Yes.


According to a new study, old age begins at 27.


Rocket scientists can shoot down mosquitoes with lasers.  This sounds really cool.


A German company has introduced "Obama fingers."  They didn't realize it could be considered racist.


State Rep. Willie Talton has announced that he will pay his $30,800 in taxes due after the legislative session ends.


The Georgia Senate passed a law last week to fix some of the problems in identifying sex offenders.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Crossover Day: The Day After

The Chinese are worried about their investment in American debt.  They're concerned that too much debt will lead to inflation, which would make their investment a losing one.  At least they'll be comforted by White House spokesman Robert Gibbs saying that the United States is the safest investment in the world.  For those of you who remember Schoolhouse Rock, you'll enjoy this take on the national debt.


Obama's poll numbers are falling.  He's starting to take ownership of the economy, which is why all of a sudden, President Obama has decided to stop talking down the economy and start saying that it's "not as bad as we think."  His top economic advisor even said that the key to ending the recession is ending an "excess of fear," despite the fact that it was Obama and his cohorts in the navel-gazing media who talked the economy down to begin with.  The stock market has been moving up the last few days, but nobody is giving credit to the "stimulus" package; instead, there's a buzz that the mark-to-market rules might be changed.  Consumer confidence also increased, and the number of consumers who think that President Obama is doing a good job on the economy rose to 23%.


With all of the important things going on in the United States, Congress took time yesterday to honor Pi.


Obama administration incompetence continues, as they bumped a visit with the President of Brazil in favor of St. Patrick's Day and misspelled his name.


Obama's third choice for Deputy Treasury Secretary has withdrawn from consideration.


One of Obama's Justice Department nominees was a lawyer for Johnny Taliban.


Jonah Goldberg calls the fear mongering of the Obama administration "fundamentally undemocratic."  Actually, it's completely democratic.


Two lesbian married partners had a fight after one tried to use a turkey baster on the other.


A woman was injured during an act involving a sex toy and a reciprocating saw.


Some of the stuff that passed on Crossover Day yesterday:


Private contractors could be allowed to collect child support instead of only the government (think collections agents for deadbeat dads).


The House approved a new dolphin license plate.


The Senate passed a version of the stem-cell bill last night after having to take a recess to rewrite it at the last minute.


The House passed a bill to increase the limit on games of BINGO.


The Senate passed a tax ethics bill that would take action against any member who doesn't file their taxes, but only state taxes and only in the previous year.


Governor Perdue seems to like the stem-cell bill, but is not yet sure about the car title tax.


Erick Erickson said in today's Macon Telegraph what I've been thinking for most of this session:  the Republicans are becoming the establishment in Atlanta.